Upgrade for Visio Technical (older)



I currently have Visio Technical, states is includes Visio Standard. Part#
11749-0897. Looking to upgrade not sure to what? We are a mechanical and
electrical contractractor. It is 5.0.

John Marshall, MVP



Thank you, that answered my question. Now...we want to purchase a new version
but are unsure of which suits our needs. I was trying to look at the
comparison but it doesn't give a deep enough description, per my boss of
which one suits our company the best. We are a mechanical an electrical
contractor, we design and build mechanical and electrical systems. The older
version on the front states: space plans, facilities management, process
plant designs, HVAC designs, industrial and building automation designs,
electrical engineering schematics, mechanical engineering drawings, piping
and intrumentation designs and manufacturing and assembly drawings. Could you
direct me please as to which one is suited best for our needs please? Thank
you so much!!
Renee Kidd
(e-mail address removed)

John Marshall, MVP

In the beginning there was one version.
Then Home was added. that has now collapsed back to Visio
Then we went for a three way split Standard, Technical and Professional.
Technical and Professional used the same program, but each added extra, but
different add-ins and stencils. You needed to install Both Pro and Tech to
get the works.
After Visio acquired Microsoft, they decided to slim back and Visio
Technical was dropped. The extra content that made Visio Technical Visio
Technical was added to Visio Professional.
So now we have two versions Visio Standard and Visio Professional.

The one you will want will be Visio Professional.

John... Visio MVP

* I intentially left off mentioning anything about it's other cousins Visio
Express, Visio Enterprise( or VEA) and IntelliCad.

Need stencils or ideas? http://visio.mvps.org/3rdparty.htm
Need VBA examples? http://visio.mvps.org/VBA.htm
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