upgrade FP98 to 2002?



I've been using FP98. I've a new computer running XP (home edition) and have a chance to purchase FP2002 upgrade (less expensive than 2003). Is there a problem with upgrading from 98 to 2002? Will websites I already have online be a problem? Appreciate the help - I'm ok once the programs are up and running but a novice in trying to get bugs out.

Thomas A. Rowe

You should have not problem upgrading.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

highlandskye said:
I've been using FP98. I've a new computer running XP (home edition) and have a chance to purchase
FP2002 upgrade (less expensive than 2003). Is there a problem with upgrading from 98 to 2002? Will
websites I already have online be a problem? Appreciate the help - I'm ok once the programs are up
and running but a novice in trying to get bugs out.


HI! I agree, and will say its not the previous versions that you have to
worry about ( Because bug fixes have already being reported and fixed with
service packs and so on...) Its the newest releases that are more prone to
problems as a general rule of thumb ( I don't mean just Microsoft programs.
I mean all programs in general ).

If your worried about this issue then wait for at least the first service
pack to be released then upgrade.


highlandskye said:
I've been using FP98. I've a new computer running XP (home edition) and
have a chance to purchase FP2002 upgrade (less expensive than 2003). Is
there a problem with upgrading from 98 to 2002? Will websites I already
have online be a problem? Appreciate the help - I'm ok once the programs
are up and running but a novice in trying to get bugs out.

Stefan B Rusynko

Plus Windows XP Home does not support PWS (or IIS and the FP SE) for which FP98 was designed, so you will need to upgrade to be able
to easily use disc based webs

| thanks. I'll go ahead with purchase then.


I appreciate the additional information. It sounds like I actually need to upgrade. I'm not to sure about the Service Pack portion though. In looking at the site given by Grandee, it sounds more complicated than I usually handle. A fix for one program I can do but this I'm not to sure about. I'll do the upgrade and then see what happens.

----- Grandee wrote: ----

FP 2002 has already had it's first service pack, so the issue isn'
FP2002: Issues Fixed in FrontPage 2002 by Microsoft Office XP Service Pack

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