upgrade from 97



My PPT 97 has served me well for what I want out of it, however I am tempted
to upgrade to 2000.

Would I have to go and buy a new computer to get 2000 on it, or can I
download the upgrade, or is it something you can buy like regular software?

Thanks in advance for your help


-----Original Message-----
My PPT 97 has served me well for what I want out of it, however I am tempted
to upgrade to 2000.

Would I have to go and buy a new computer to get 2000 on it, or can I
download the upgrade, or is it something you can buy like regular software?

Thanks in advance for your help

Provided that you computor is not to outdated you
shouldn't need a new one. You can buy the software as part
of the office software suite but i don't think you buy it
separatly but i'm not sure.
Paste this link into your internet browser it tells you
about the office suite.


Hope this helps

Kind regards



Thank you for all the suggestions/advice.

Sonia, when you say Full Version of ....97 - does that mean on a CD? I
didn't get a CD of it with my computer (computer about 2 years old).


If you have PowerPoint installed on the system, you shouldn't need the CD in
order to apply the upgrade. If the upgrade package doesn't find a
"qualifying" application installed on the system, it will expect you to
insert the CD to prove that you own a licensed copy. I hope this helps.

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