Upgrade from Office 2003 to SB2007



Running XP Home, install went well, Outlook 07 is fine, when I open Office I
have both 03 & 07 versions? If I try to open Word, Excel it immediately
creates a error and want s to report it over and over One Note 03 is fine
-Accounting 08 is fine
fairly certain Powerpoint and Publisher also create the same problem. I
think I was fine in the beginning until I accidently tabbed onto the 03
version 1 time
Thanks in advance


Marc said:
Running XP Home, install went well, Outlook 07 is fine, when I open Office I
have both 03 & 07 versions? If I try to open Word, Excel it immediately
creates a error and want s to report it over and over One Note 03 is fine
-Accounting 08 is fine
fairly certain Powerpoint and Publisher also create the same problem. I
think I was fine in the beginning until I accidently tabbed onto the 03
version 1 time
Thanks in advance


Marc said:
Running XP Home, install went well, Outlook 07 is fine, when I open Office I
have both 03 & 07 versions? If I try to open Word, Excel it immediately
creates a error and want s to report it over and over One Note 03 is fine
-Accounting 08 is fine
fairly certain Powerpoint and Publisher also create the same problem. I
think I was fine in the beginning until I accidently tabbed onto the 03
version 1 time
Thanks in advance
** Some additional information that may help- I am asking if I need two versions as I thought 03 would not be an optio and 07 would be the choice now

If I select Word 2007 to open a document I get this error msg: Office
SB 2007 Word failed in safe mode do you want to configure- it will
continually go back over and over to this failed msg unless you do a ctl alt
del end task
this information is on the error
encountered a problem and needs to close
App 12.0 6308 5000 Mod ver Mod name ophd_uidll mod stamp:
445f185b fDebug:0 offset 00041b91
any help would be great any suggestions would be great

Excel does work


From what I am reading in other posts I should of went with the Custom
install and just selected the 2007 version since that is the only version I
Somebody could of posted that even if it did not resolve the error issues,
all I would be concerned with is a loss of info or e mails etc
So if anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated- how do I remove
the 2003 version please I am asking for help
Thank You


Anyone want to jump in and help?
I went out on a limb and went ahead and removed the 2003 version of office
Same results as before with Outlook 07 ok- Excel 07 ok and Publisher 07 ok
I need badly to get Word 07 to work, when I go into my documents I still
see them there
No Powerpoint either, I ran the diagnostic with no response other than a
report going back to MS
My guess is to try to reinstall the ones that are not running
Help would be greatly appreciated marc

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