-----Original Message-----
You can't - it isn't a qualifying product. Please be aware that Office 2003
*REQUIRES* Windows 2000 SP3 (or later), Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server.
So, unless you're running Office 95 under one of those OSes (highly
doubtful, as I've never had any success), you'd be wasting your money,
For more information see
Products that Qualify for the Microsoft Office 2003 Upgrade
Office 2003 System Requirements
http://www.microsoft.com/office/editions/prodinfo/sysreq. mspx
I have a WinXP Home Edition OEM version Celeron chipped
computer. It's been a bother since new. I've got
a 'full fledged' Office 95 Professional installation I
use on it, which I bought when I bought my first computer
eight years or so ago. It came with floppies--a 5"
I don't recall exactly when I added Office 95 to the Win
XP computer, nor if my problems exactly coincided with
the installation. However, I've begun to believe that
the instability and massive crashes I've suffered since,
may be due to this combination, though I've been blaming
Win XP itself, as garbage, and other impolite nouns, and
possibly some driver updates I made that didn't seem to
work very well, either.
Your comment suggests I'd best move on, but I see I'm not
elegible for an upgrade, and I'm loathe to spend more
after coughing up $500~ so long ago. Do you know if it's
possible to make XP run the Office 95 suite? What other,
hopefully lowcost, alternatives do I have?
Since I may not be able to find my way back to this forum
to look at replies, please consider sending any to my
email address in the "Sender's Name" box above, as well
as posting here. TIA, and happy holidays...