upgrade from office 97 to office pro 2000


Sam Lightbourn

We have upgraded from Office 97 to Office Pro 2000. Found the pst files to
get information emails back into Office pro 2000. Does anyone know where I
can find the address book. Can't find any email address's. Thanks for your

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Look for .pab files on the Office 97 machine or look in the Contacts folder of the .pst file.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

There is no address book in Outlook. All Contact data is in your Contacts
Folder. You just need to configure the address book view. If you don't know
how, you need to tell us your mail support mode so someone can tell you.
There are 2 completely different modes of Outlook 2000.

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

Outlook typically uses its Contact folder for use as an address book in
conjuntion with the Outlook Address Book service. So, there's not a separate
file to look for.

Sam Lightbourn

Sue, the upgrade was on the same machine but I will look for the .pab files.
Also, I will probably purchase your book for reference purposes. Thanks

Sam Lightbourn

Russ, since I 'm new to this you need to tell me the names of the 2 modes of
Outlook 2000. I also understand there is no "address book" in Outlook. It
should be converted to the Contact List. I checked the contact list but my
customer tells me there are more address somewhere because the contact list
doesn't have them all. Thanks,

Russ Valentine said:
There is no address book in Outlook. All Contact data is in your Contacts
Folder. You just need to configure the address book view. If you don't know
how, you need to tell us your mail support mode so someone can tell you.
There are 2 completely different modes of Outlook 2000.
Russ Valentine
Sam Lightbourn said:
We have upgraded from Office 97 to Office Pro 2000. Found the pst files
get information emails back into Office pro 2000. Does anyone know where
can find the address book. Can't find any email address's. Thanks for

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

If the Contact List is incomplete, it is possible that the user was using a
PAB file. No one has used one for years, but no one has used Outlook 97 for
years either. Look for files with a PAB extension.
Your mail support mode is listed in line 2 of Help | About. If it says
"Corporate/Workgroup," you will be able to access the PAB file. If it says
"Internet Mail Only," you will not.
Russ Valentine
Sam Lightbourn said:
Russ, since I 'm new to this you need to tell me the names of the 2 modes
Outlook 2000. I also understand there is no "address book" in Outlook.
should be converted to the Contact List. I checked the contact list but
customer tells me there are more address somewhere because the contact
doesn't have them all. Thanks,

Russ Valentine said:
There is no address book in Outlook. All Contact data is in your Contacts
Folder. You just need to configure the address book view. If you don't
how, you need to tell us your mail support mode so someone can tell you.
There are 2 completely different modes of Outlook 2000.
Russ Valentine
We have upgraded from Office 97 to Office Pro 2000. Found the pst
get information emails back into Office pro 2000. Does anyone know
can find the address book. Can't find any email address's. Thanks for

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