Reply from Doug:
Thank you very much. This was very helpful. I do have Office X and OS X
10.4.4; I've experienced some problems with Word locking up or crashing.
Also I don't like the paste (cmd-V) command when copying and pasting from
Safari. I prefer the old system that apparently pasted as formatted text,
which I now have to do in two mouse steps rather than a single keyboard
command. Cmd-V gives me a copy block that often just starts the cursor
wheel spinning endlessly until I have to do a force quit.
I was really wondering, I guess, whether 2004 might work more smoothly with
10.4.4 than Office X.
And, as you noted, I didn't want to bother upgrading to Office 2004 if it
was about to be replaced with Office 2006.
Again, thanks for the good info and advice.