Upgrade OneNote


Ruth P.

Is it possible to JUST download OneNote 2007 to upgrade a 2003 version
INSTEAD of updating my ENTIRE Office 2003 package?

I need to teach office stuffs on 2003 but want to upgrade to One Note 2007
for other stuffs. Please, anyone, let me know.

Thank you!


Rainald Taesler

Ruth said:
Is it possible to JUST download OneNote 2007 to upgrade a 2003
version INSTEAD of updating my ENTIRE Office 2003 package?

I need to teach office stuffs on 2003 but want to upgrade to One
Note 2007 for other stuffs. Please, anyone, let me know.

As John Guin already said, there's no problem with using ON2007 besides
Office 2003.
A drawback in so far is the co-operation between ON an Outlook: The
advanced features of ON-OL interaction are only available with OL2007.


Rainald Taesler

IIRC, all of the Outlook integration features in OneNote 2007 work
with either Outlook 2003 or Outlook 2007.

Are you sure that it's an *and/or" ??
I'm asking because I joined the ON 2007 Beta at a rather early point and
the (and later) it was very often said that OL 2007 to gain all of the
advanced features.
So made the move from Office 2003 to Office 2007 Beta in order to gain
the ON-OL functionality.

This blog comes from a very early stage (May 2006) and it reflects what
was the *planning* at that time. And AFAICS in the comments there are
several postings where shortcomings are mentioned.
Are you sure that all of the features planned finally made it into the
final product?

I read through the document but still I am not sure that really
everything works with OL2003 too.


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