Sam, you first need to ask yourself are there any new features that warrent
you to upgrade? Office is an exspensive application suite, and most people
only use the most basic of features. Those basic features have never really
After you have answered that question , your upgrade path will depend on how
you installed Office 2000. If you installed it on each desktop from CD, then
it is mearly a matter of updateing each of those desktops from the upgrade
CD. On the other hand, if deploed office via and Administative Installation
Point or via a Network Installation CD, then you have to upgrade differently.
You also have to decide how your organization may grow in the future?
Whether you bought a retail edition or if it was bundled with your computers
or if you purchased a license via Software Assurence or some other means.
What seems like a trival question, in fact has deep ramifications on your
organization and I recommend that while you are evaluating your options that
you also look at your network as a whole and use the opportunity to learn
best practices deploying any type of software.
I hope this help you.
Warmest Regards,