Peter Foldes said:
Better re-read it . Home and Student is not Upgradeable and Tom had it
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Tom and Peter, Office Home and Student (H & S) does qualify as an upgrade to
any other Office 2007 suite as specified in the URL that Tom gave. The
pertinent part is marked by *****:
"Qualifying Products for Upgrade" - "Microsoft Works 6.0–10; Microsoft Works
suite 2000–2006 or later; *****any 2000–2007 Microsoft Office program or
suite*****; any Microsoft Office XP suite except Office XP Student and
I have used the H & S to upgrade to Office SBE on two different systems.
Same year version upgrading (2007 qualifying for 2007 upgrade) was allowed
with the 2007 suites. It was NOT allowed in 2003 versions or earlier year
What the "Upgrade not applicable" means in that site on the H & S line is
that H & S is not upgradeable from an earlier version like SBE or Pro would
be. To get H & S you need to purchase a retail or OEM version of H & S.
You have never been able to purchase an upgrade to the
"home/student/teacher" Office products but now MS does allow you to upgrade
out of the "home/student/teacher" line to the commercial line.