Upgrade.xsl Bug ?



I have been fighting an issue where my schema changed and added a new field.
The new schema worked fine for new forms but any old form was opened and the
new field was not enterable. My original post stated that the schema was
created externally and imported into InfoPath and the discussion stated that
InfoPath couldn't deal with the upgrade as it didn't create the schema.

I tried a quick sample app with a 2 field form with the schewma being
created in InfoPath. Then I added a new field and the new form exhibited the
same result. The new field was enterable in new forms but was null and
nont-enterable in previous forms. The Option was set to update the form

We examined the upgrade.xsl file and founf why this behaviour was happening.
The xslt logic was that the <element> tag which inserts the field in the xml
document, was within the <if> logic looking for the node in the xml document.
The resulting action being that if the field was not in the xml document, it
would not be added. We moved the <element> tag outside of the <if> logic for
the tag and everything works as expected.

Is this a bug? You can make a case that old forms are preserved as they
were entered but it seems that you would want the ability to update an old
form. Thoughts?

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