Upgraded to Entourage 2004, calendar entries didn't get imported.Do I need more updates?


Michael Levin

I just upgraded from Entourage v.X to 2004, and unlike when I did this on my
home machine, here the addressbook and calendar didn't get imported. I see
the Exchange server's info for both, but the local copies aren't right: the
calendar one is blank, and the addressbook only has the groups, and not the
individual contacts. I can import the contacts easily (drag out and in) from
my Entourage v.X. How about the calendar entries - why didn't they come? I
can use Paul B's scripts to import them I guess but I wonder whether it's a
sign of trouble that they didn't get imported. Also, my "About Entourage"
says 11.2.1 - is this the latest set of patches? I didn't notice it
downloading any upgrades, but it looks like it did so. Is there anything I
need to download manually from the web (to optimize work with an Exchange
server etc.) or does the update function get everything that's needed?


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