Upgrading an Access 1 database


Trevor Lawrence

I've inherited an Access 1 application running on an old box. I need to try
and upgrade it to Access 2003. Access 2003 won't touch a databse that old.
Does anyone know if there is any alternative to trying to ferret out a
succession of old versions of Access and upgrading bit by bit. Or do I have
the choice of re-writing or stayiing as it is? Rewrite would present a
problem sucking the data out of the old DB.

Trevor Lawrence


david epsom dot com dot au

To convert the application you need a copy of A2.0,A95,A97.

To just get the data, you can try linking to the database.

If that doesn't work, use

set obj = createobject("dao.dbengine.35)
obj.compactdatabase "old", "new"

to convert to a more recent version first.
(Air code: you will have to modify that code to get it to work)


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