Upgrading / Converting from ACCESS'97 to ACCESS'2003


Vern DeGeus

i will be converting a significant ACCESS'97 .mdb to
ACCESS'2003. The .mdb has complex forms, many pass-thru
queries and linked tables and a lot of DAO code. Can
anyone share with me any gotchas and other issues that i
will have to deal with ?
thank you


I haven't done this but from other posts I suspect you mind need to set a
specific reference to DAO and make sure it is higher than the ADO reference
:) Make sure the A97 version compiles cleanly.

My other advice would be to make a copy, convert that and see what
breaks....not very scientific, but you'll have a good understanding of about
where you are.

Kevin Hill
3NF Consulting

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Tony Toews

Vern DeGeus said:
i will be converting a significant ACCESS'97 .mdb to
ACCESS'2003. The .mdb has complex forms, many pass-thru
queries and linked tables and a lot of DAO code.

For what I've come across see Access 2.0 and Access 97 to Access
2000/2002 conversion problems


Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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