upgrading from access 97



There isn't much difference between Access 2000 and 2002,
so it depends on how much you want to spend. The ability
to use these on the web is great. But I do have to warn
you that one thing you want to consider is if your
databases will be in a multi-user environment. I just
converted mine from 97 to 2002 and found out from
Microsoft that I can no longer make changes to anything
outside of a query, as long as someone else is using it.
This would be the same in 2000. So in that regard, 97 is
far superior actually. We have also found that having
both 97 and a newer version on the same machine causes
headaches as well. But obvioulsy these issues won't
matter if it is for your personal use, and the upgrade
would be very much worthwhile.

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