upgrading to office 2000 (i know - don't ask!)



I have a friend whose company is upgrading to office 2000 and she has
been given the task of assisting the IT dept to ensure that the
changes go smoothly - i have shown her the info at www.mvps.org/word
on what template & addins store and what files does she need to back

currently all users (30) are on office 97 and are all using the same
normal.dot (which is stored on the server) - i feel that this is
slightly unusual and was wondering if anyone had any advice as to
whether or not they should continue with this practice, or in the
change over give everyone (or every dept) their own normal doc.
Currently if one person wants a piece of autotext (which they use
extensively) they email my friend, she creates a new entry on a
"normal.dot" file which the IT manager copies after hours to the
server so that all users have access to it the next day (whether or
not the autotext entry is relevant to them).

also we were wondering where the the options under tools / customize /
options (in 2000) - so that the fully menu always display & the
toolbars are on two rows are stored (it doesn't appear to be in
normal.dot) and whether these could be set automatically for all users
in the office roll-out. The same goes for the autoformat as you type

We would appreciate any advice anyone can give on these points (or
anything else that may be relevant)


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