Upgrading to Office 2007 from pre-XP Student versions



I have just bought a new PC and would like to upgrade to Office 2007, but I
am having difficulty finding out if my older version of Office qualifies for
the upgrade.

On the one hand, I have office 2000 Professional edition, which according to
the information I can find (buried in a forum page, and not, as it should be,
somewhere obvious) does qualify for the upgrade price.

On the other hand, it was bought under the old Student / Teacher license
scheme. So it is both a full product, and a student product. Does it qualify?
I've no idea! Perhaps I should rely on my copy of Works 8.5, which came with
my new computer.

If I can get the upgrade, do I have to install the older version first, or
can I go straight for the new version?


The answers to all of your upgrade questions are located here:


Hint: look in the column titled "Qualifying Products for Upgrade"
"Microsoft Works 6.0-10" => Yes
The *only* exclusion listed for Office suites are: "except Office XP Student
and Teacher"

You do *not* have to install the previous version in order to perform an
During the installation of Office 2007 upgrade, if it does not find a
resident qualifying upgrade product, it will prompt you do insert a
qualifying CD -- if you have two CD drives, drive, put the Office 2000 CD in
that drive and point Office installation to that drive. Else eject the
Office 2007 CD, put the Office 2000 CD in the drive, and continue.



Check this web site from Microsoft which shows what products qualify to
upgrade to the various versions of Office 2007


While the site does say any MS Office 2000-07 suite except S & T version you
probably can use your version of 2000 to upgrade but if it doesn't work you
can use the Works 8.5 on your system. Remember, when you install Office
using the Works program the program will find the Works program and install
but you will need a copy of the software (ie., CD) if you ever have to
reinstall the program (most computer manufacturers now only provide a "disk
image" of the hard drive as originally manufacturered. If you have a CD for
the Works program you are totally set for any reinstall.

If you are going to try to use the Office 2000 version to upgrade you should
remove the Works program first since the install program will find Works and
use it instead of the Office 2000 CD which you would insert when the install
program asks for a "qualifying" program.

Hope this doesn't sound too confusing. (I'm back from 18 days in Europe and
my mind isn't totally on US time yet.)

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