I am using bcentral as host provider and have used the
URL exactly as they say on there site http:/mywebsite.com
and also http:/mywebsite.com.bcentralhost.com Publisher
will not find the URL on either http address. I have
email support....they reset frontpage extensions and told
me to make sure I used the correct url. This did not
I received your pub file and your uploading information. I then reproduced
that the site could not be published to your web server. I received the
error that a connection to the server could not be made. I got this error
before even being prompted for the accounts username and password.
This was obviously NOT a Publisher issue, but rather a server issue. The
inability to make a connection and create a Network Place is not program
On your behalf I contacted your web host (bCentral) support department via
email and I informed them of the problem of the server failing for your
account, instructing them to correct the problem and respond back to me.
2 days later I received the following response from your host:
Hello David,
Thank you for contacting us. Our administrators have reported that they have
fixed the issue. Please try publishing again.
After which I successfully published your site
So your issue is resolved.
Please note:
upon reviewing your site BEFORE I attempted my publishing, I saw you are
using Pub 2002 in it's original form. Your home page was 187 kb in size. The
version of your home page I published is 12kb.
I urge you to install service packs 1 and 2. Please refer to my site for all
the documentation regarding the issues with 2002 and the service packs.
David Bartosik - MS MVP
for Publisher help:
enter to win Pub 2003: