Upload Button


Inquiring Minds

I am creating a site that I would like my visitors to be able to upload files
to my server from my website. What/how would I go about doing that? I've
seen the upload buttons before, but I can't seem to find the procedures on
how to accomplish that process when searching online. I am using FP2003.

Your assistance would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Inquiring Minds

Thank you for the repsonse, however, I would also like to in form fields that
would populate a database as well as store the uploaded filed in the database.

Inquiring Minds

Thank you for the repsonse. I was able to find these notes as well, however,
I would also like to in form fields that would populate a database as well as
store the uploaded filed in the database. Is this possible?

Stefan B Rusynko

If you don't know how to hand code server side coding look at the Database Interface wizard in FP
See http://spiderwebwoman.com/resources/diwtipsandtricks.asp

| Thank you for the repsonse. I was able to find these notes as well, however,
| I would also like to in form fields that would populate a database as well as
| store the uploaded filed in the database. Is this possible?
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > See http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;299763&Product=fp2002
| >
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > | > |I am creating a site that I would like my visitors to be able to upload files
| > | to my server from my website. What/how would I go about doing that? I've
| > | seen the upload buttons before, but I can't seem to find the procedures on
| > | how to accomplish that process when searching online. I am using FP2003.
| > |
| > | Your assistance would be much appreciated.
| > |
| > | Thank you.
| >
| >
| >

Brian Smith

How does one go about implementing a file upload feature if they are using
Windows XP Home? My website is hosted on a server that has FrontPage Server
Extensions, IIS 6, ASP support, etc. Is there a reason why the operating
system on the development machine prevents one from using the Form Upload
feature in FrontPage 2003?



Tom [Pepper] Willett

1)The Form Upload Feature must be enabled and configured in the FP 2002
server extensions by the host
2) You manage the form upload feature by opening your remote web in
FrontPage, and doing it there.

How to upload files to a Web Server in FrontPage 2002
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
| How does one go about implementing a file upload feature if they are using
| Windows XP Home? My website is hosted on a server that has FrontPage
| Extensions, IIS 6, ASP support, etc. Is there a reason why the operating
| system on the development machine prevents one from using the Form Upload
| feature in FrontPage 2003?
| Thanks.
| Brian
| | > In FP | Insert | Form | Upload
| >
| > --
| > Mike
| > http://www.websunlimited.com
| > FrontPage Add-in
| > MVP FrontPage '97 - '02
| >
| message
| > | > >I am creating a site that I would like my visitors to be able to upload
| files
| > > to my server from my website. What/how would I go about doing that?
| I've
| > > seen the upload buttons before, but I can't seem to find the
| on
| > > how to accomplish that process when searching online. I am using
| FP2003.
| > >
| > > Your assistance would be much appreciated.
| > >
| > > Thank you.
| >
| >

Mike Mueller

Then you will need to use a custom script to enter the data
into the database.

"Inquiring Minds" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
: Thank you for the repsonse, however, I would also like to
in form fields that
: would populate a database as well as store the uploaded
filed in the database.
: "MD Websunlimited" wrote:
: > In FP | Insert | Form | Upload
: >
: > --
: > Mike
: > http://www.websunlimited.com
: > FrontPage Add-in
: > MVP FrontPage '97 - '02
: >
: > "Inquiring Minds"
: >
: > >I am creating a site that I would like my visitors to
be able to upload files
: > > to my server from my website. What/how would I go
about doing that? I've
: > > seen the upload buttons before, but I can't seem to
find the procedures on
: > > how to accomplish that process when searching online.
I am using FP2003.
: > >
: > > Your assistance would be much appreciated.
: > >
: > > Thank you.
: >
: >
: >

Brian Smith

Tom, I checked with my webhost and the File Upload feature is definitely
enabled. However, when I open up the remote website in FrontPage 2003 the
File Upload feature is grayed out. Do I need to have something other than
FrontPage 2003 running on my development machine? As I stated before, I'm
running Windows XP Home version and I have Office 2003 Professional
installed, if that factors into the equation.



Tom [Pepper] Willett

If it's greyed out on your remote web site, there is something wrong with
the host's configuration. Could be permissions, can't say for sure. They
need to review the link I sent you.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/
Brian Smith said:
Tom, I checked with my webhost and the File Upload feature is definitely
enabled. However, when I open up the remote website in FrontPage 2003 the
File Upload feature is grayed out. Do I need to have something other than
FrontPage 2003 running on my development machine? As I stated before, I'm
running Windows XP Home version and I have Office 2003 Professional
installed, if that factors into the equation.



Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
1)The Form Upload Feature must be enabled and configured in the FP 2002
server extensions by the host
2) You manage the form upload feature by opening your remote web in
FrontPage, and doing it there.

How to upload files to a Web Server in FrontPage 2002
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
| How does one go about implementing a file upload feature if they are using
| Windows XP Home? My website is hosted on a server that has FrontPage
| Extensions, IIS 6, ASP support, etc. Is there a reason why the
| system on the development machine prevents one from using the Form Upload
| feature in FrontPage 2003?
| Thanks.
| Brian
| | > In FP | Insert | Form | Upload
| >
| > --
| > Mike
| > http://www.websunlimited.com
| > FrontPage Add-in
| > MVP FrontPage '97 - '02
| >
| message
| > | > >I am creating a site that I would like my visitors to be able to upload
| files
| > > to my server from my website. What/how would I go about doing
| I've
| > > seen the upload buttons before, but I can't seem to find the
| on
| > > how to accomplish that process when searching online. I am using
| FP2003.
| > >
| > > Your assistance would be much appreciated.
| > >
| > > Thank you.
| >
| >

Brian Smith

I'm quite confident there isn't a problem with the host's configuration.
They went into my account and were able to create a page with the File
Upload feature so I'm assuming things must be fine on the server end. Is
there anything else that could be causing the problem? Also, I've noticed
that the Group Box option for forms is grayed out. Could this be a related



Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
If it's greyed out on your remote web site, there is something wrong with
the host's configuration. Could be permissions, can't say for sure. They
need to review the link I sent you.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/
Brian Smith said:
Tom, I checked with my webhost and the File Upload feature is definitely
enabled. However, when I open up the remote website in FrontPage 2003 the
File Upload feature is grayed out. Do I need to have something other than
FrontPage 2003 running on my development machine? As I stated before, I'm
running Windows XP Home version and I have Office 2003 Professional
installed, if that factors into the equation.



Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
1)The Form Upload Feature must be enabled and configured in the FP 2002
server extensions by the host
2) You manage the form upload feature by opening your remote web in
FrontPage, and doing it there.

How to upload files to a Web Server in FrontPage 2002
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
| How does one go about implementing a file upload feature if they are using
| Windows XP Home? My website is hosted on a server that has FrontPage
| Extensions, IIS 6, ASP support, etc. Is there a reason why the
| system on the development machine prevents one from using the Form Upload
| feature in FrontPage 2003?
| Thanks.
| Brian
| | > In FP | Insert | Form | Upload
| >
| > --
| > Mike
| > http://www.websunlimited.com
| > FrontPage Add-in
| > MVP FrontPage '97 - '02
| >
| message
| > | > >I am creating a site that I would like my visitors to be able to upload
| files
| > > to my server from my website. What/how would I go about doing
| I've
| > > seen the upload buttons before, but I can't seem to find the
| on
| > > how to accomplish that process when searching online. I am using
| FP2003.
| > >
| > > Your assistance would be much appreciated.
| > >
| > > Thank you.
| >
| >


The Group Box will be greyed out if Browsers is set to include
Netscape in
Tools->Page Options-Authoring tag (FP2003), or the Compatibility tag
in other versions.

I have not succeeded in finding a way to make File Upload grey out
in FP2003, using server based webs, disc based webs or even a loose
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

Brian Smith said:
I'm quite confident there isn't a problem with the host's
They went into my account and were able to create a page with the
Upload feature so I'm assuming things must be fine on the server
end. Is
there anything else that could be causing the problem? Also, I've
that the Group Box option for forms is grayed out. Could this be a



Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
If it's greyed out on your remote web site, there is something
wrong with
the host's configuration. Could be permissions, can't say for
sure. They
need to review the link I sent you.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/
Brian Smith said:
Tom, I checked with my webhost and the File Upload feature is
enabled. However, when I open up the remote website in FrontPage
2003 the
File Upload feature is grayed out. Do I need to have something
other than
FrontPage 2003 running on my development machine? As I stated
before, I'm
running Windows XP Home version and I have Office 2003
installed, if that factors into the equation.



1)The Form Upload Feature must be enabled and configured in the
FP 2002
server extensions by the host
2) You manage the form upload feature by opening your remote web
FrontPage, and doing it there.

How to upload files to a Web Server in FrontPage 2002

Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
| How does one go about implementing a file upload feature if
they are
| Windows XP Home? My website is hosted on a server that has
| Extensions, IIS 6, ASP support, etc. Is there a reason why the
| system on the development machine prevents one from using the
| feature in FrontPage 2003?
| Thanks.
| Brian
| | > In FP | Insert | Form | Upload
| >
| > --
| > Mike
| > http://www.websunlimited.com
| > FrontPage Add-in
| > MVP FrontPage '97 - '02
| >
| > "Inquiring Minds" <[email protected]>
wrote in
| message
| > | > >I am creating a site that I would like my visitors to be
able to
| files
| > > to my server from my website. What/how would I go about
| I've
| > > seen the upload buttons before, but I can't seem to find
| on
| > > how to accomplish that process when searching online. I
am using
| FP2003.
| > >
| > > Your assistance would be much appreciated.
| > >
| > > Thank you.
| >
| >

Brian Smith

I finally figured out why the File Upload and Group Box features were grayed
out. In the Page Options dialog on the Authoring tab SharePoint Services was
checked, which I assume is the default for whatever reason. For the hell of
it I unchecked it since my web host does not provide SharePoint support.
This one change then made the File Upload and Group Box features available.
I wish the documentation would have mentioned this as I never would have
looked there if you hadn't mentioned looking there concerning the Group Box
problem. There are a few other things that don't seem to be working as they
should but I'm going to do some more playing around before I ask more

Thanks for putting me on the right track.


Ronx said:
The Group Box will be greyed out if Browsers is set to include
Netscape in
Tools->Page Options-Authoring tag (FP2003), or the Compatibility tag
in other versions.

I have not succeeded in finding a way to make File Upload grey out
in FP2003, using server based webs, disc based webs or even a loose
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

Brian Smith said:
I'm quite confident there isn't a problem with the host's
They went into my account and were able to create a page with the
Upload feature so I'm assuming things must be fine on the server
end. Is
there anything else that could be causing the problem? Also, I've
that the Group Box option for forms is grayed out. Could this be a



Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
If it's greyed out on your remote web site, there is something
wrong with
the host's configuration. Could be permissions, can't say for
sure. They
need to review the link I sent you.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/
Tom, I checked with my webhost and the File Upload feature is
enabled. However, when I open up the remote website in FrontPage
2003 the
File Upload feature is grayed out. Do I need to have something
other than
FrontPage 2003 running on my development machine? As I stated
before, I'm
running Windows XP Home version and I have Office 2003
installed, if that factors into the equation.



1)The Form Upload Feature must be enabled and configured in the
FP 2002
server extensions by the host
2) You manage the form upload feature by opening your remote web
FrontPage, and doing it there.

How to upload files to a Web Server in FrontPage 2002
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
| How does one go about implementing a file upload feature if
they are
| Windows XP Home? My website is hosted on a server that has
| Extensions, IIS 6, ASP support, etc. Is there a reason why the
| system on the development machine prevents one from using the
| feature in FrontPage 2003?
| Thanks.
| Brian
| | > In FP | Insert | Form | Upload
| >
| > --
| > Mike
| > http://www.websunlimited.com
| > FrontPage Add-in
| > MVP FrontPage '97 - '02
| >
| > "Inquiring Minds" <[email protected]>
wrote in
| message
| > | > >I am creating a site that I would like my visitors to be
able to
| files
| > > to my server from my website. What/how would I go about
| I've
| > > seen the upload buttons before, but I can't seem to find
| on
| > > how to accomplish that process when searching online. I
am using
| FP2003.
| > >
| > > Your assistance would be much appreciated.
| > >
| > > Thank you.
| >
| >

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