Connect to your server (to your web space with your host) and upload the files -
isn't that what you're asking?
I can't see the problem here.....if you're using CuteFTP you don't need to use
Frontpage to publish anything.
Check with your host for the correct ftp location that your files are supposed to
be loaded to (should be a directory within your web space like "htdocs" or
I don't know what you mean by "transfer changes from frontpage to cuteftp"....
What is this extra step you're taking? All you need to do is open Cuteftp,
browse to your local folder containing the site, connect to the server with FTP,
then use it's upload/transfer files function to copy the files to the remote
Since you're not using the server extensions, all you do is copy the files to the
server with CuteFTP (or you can use Frontpage to accomplish the same thing - it
has "FTP" mode (same as any other FTP program basically) and "HTTP" mode
(requiring server ext.) for publishing a site.