upload error onto the web



I am having troubles updating/republishing my website. I am using FrontPage
2003 with att worldnet. I was okay for a while with republishing as I made
modifications but then I was cleaning up my folders on the hard drive and
then it didn’t work. Could I have deleted a folder that was needed? I
thought I only deleted folders/pages that I wasn’t using but maybe I deleted
something that I didn’t realize I deleted. What can I do to make this work?
ATT worldnet doesn’t support the use of FrontPage so I cannot ask them.
Below is the error message I received if that helps. Thanks!

"Could not find a web server at 'upload.att.net' on port 21. Please check
to make sure that the web server name is valid and your proxy settings are
set correctly. If you are sure that everything is correct, the web server
may be temporarily out of service"

I called and the server is not out of service. I input the remote web site
as ftp://upload.att.net then input my email name (without the @ and its
extension) then input my email password.

I hope I gave enough info for someone to help me figure this out!


Steve Easton

Go here: http://www.95isalive.com/fixes/fpclean.htm and download FP Cleaner
( with Expression Web Designer and SharePoint Designer support )
Download links are at the bottom of the page.
Run the functions that clear:
The Hidden Temporary files.
The Hidden Cache (*.web) files.

Then open your local site and click Tools > Recalculate hyperlinks.

See if it helps.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
FP Cleaner
Hit Me FP

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