Upload of file containing images hyperlinked to web page.



Hi there. I am using Publisher 2003 with internet explorer using XP SP3. I
have prepared my web page and I have kept the images that are hyperlinked to
the page in a separate foler from the publication file (which I have not yet
published to a web site format). I already know that the FTP protocol from
my host does not work and I have to load the files one at a time. I create
the directory and within that directory I upload my individual files. My
question is: Almost all of the pictures are linked to larger pictures or
descriptions. During the creation of the web site I have kept the linked
pictures in a separate image file. Where do I upload this file? In the same
directory with the converted web files or in a separate directory equal to
the first directory or in a directory that is placed within the web file
directory? I hope this isn't too confusing. Any assistance would be greatly
appreciated. I would like to know how to do this before I actually format it
into a web page. Thanking you.


Unless you change the defaults in Pub 2003, when you Publish to the Web and
produce the web files, you will get an "index.htm" file (your home page) and
an "index_files" folder which contains all your other pages in your site
plus *copies* of the images you inserted into your Pub pages. You need to
upload both the index.htm file and the index_files folder *intact* to the
root directory of your host.

Prior to uploading your web files, you should also use the compress graphics
feature in your Pub file. This will resample and resize the inserted images
and optimize them for the web.

Reference: Compress graphics file sizes to create smaller Publisher Web
pages (2003):

Reference: Compress Pictures dialog box (2007):

Now, if I understand you correctly, you also have created links from the
smaller images or thumbnails on your pages to full sized images that you are
collecting in another folder on your local computer. This folder will be
uploaded at the same level in the host directory as the index.htm file and
the index_files folder. Do not put it in the index_files folder and write
the links appropriately.

Reference: How to Thumbnail in Publisher Web Publications :

Reference: Including external files in a Publisher web:

And finally if you are not using a form on your site that is dependent upon
FrontPage server extensions, then you will probably find FTP uploading
protocol the easiest to use, and you will be able to upload the index_files
folder and perhaps your images folder, as a whole. There is no need to
upload individual files.

Given where things are going, and for a lot of reasons, I would suggest that
you consider downloading and installing the free FTP client FileZilla:
http://filezilla-project.org/ It is likely to be easier for you in the long
run. You should also peruse the documentation on this page:

If you have more questions about Publisher webs, then post in the web group
and we will try to help you there:
Please include the version of Publisher you are using, the URL of your site
and as much detail as possible.



Thank you David. I have been formulating other ways of doing it since it
seems to be complicated. I will try everything you say. Thank you so much!

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