Uploading and Virus software



I had been succesfully updating and uploading my web site, and still can from
my laptop. My desk top has suddenly stopped allowing me to get beyond the
listing pages in the ftp site stage. I have also tried other web sites I have
been building with the same results. I have repaired Office, then FrontPage,
then reinstalled it with no success.

To coincide with this I have upgraded my virus software (McAffee Security
Center) and all I can think of is that my upload or my host site are being

Any thoughts or fixes?


Tom Willett

Yes, it's most likely McAfee security center. Change the settings to allow
it, or disable it while your trying to upload.

Many, many people have trouble with McAfee and Norton security features.

You'll need to go to McAfee support or forums to get this resolved.

I know of many instances, people have had to completely uninstall the

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