Uploading pics- Case sensitivity


Ray Fichthorn

Hi all..

I am greating web photo galleries using Photoshop (6.0)
When I upload them to the website, (using FP) FrontPage changes all the photo-names to LOWER case.
ex: IM00360.JPG becomes im00360.jpg
This effectively breaks all the hyperlinks written into the HTML.. so the internal links between
"thumbnails" and full sized pics don't work.
I've been renaming the photos for the smaller galleries(10-20 pics), but I have a gallery of a
couple hundred photos I don't wish to spend the time changing all the photo-names to lower case only.

The Question:
1)Is there a setting somewhere in Front Page(program on my computer) - to tell it NOT to change the
"case" of any files during upload?
2) Is there anything in the server settings? or server extensions on the website side?

Thanks in advance..


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