Uploading Publisher with Vista



To Publish to Web with Vista

You need to Add a network location by Open Computer first before you try and

1. Open Computer from start menu.
2. Right-click an empty spot main window paine. Choose "Add a Network
4. Follow on screen prompts
5. Secify the location of your website ensure you input correct format
6. Specify a user Name &Password if required. Uncheck log on anonymously &
input you logon details (ensure it is the correct logon details supplied from
web host)
7. Wizzard will give you new shortcut a name. (You can change this if you
8. The Wizard will create a shortcut to your account in Computer,
9. Your sever folder will open in a list on the left small paine / large
icons in the main right paine.
10. Close Computer file.
11. Open Publisher & create & save in normal way.
12. Select Publish to web icon in top left menu bar or file Publish to web.
13. Vista will open computer listing all your normal folders.
14. Scroll down to find your shortcut address to your site.
15. Right click choose login as.
16. Small window will apear asking you to input User name / Password (check
save password for furture login's).
17. your web folders will appear in main window.
18. In bottom menu bar you will see file name: / Save as type.
19. File name: index
20. Save as type: Web Page, Filtered.(If not there use drop down menu arrow
to select).
21. index.htm already exists. Do you want to replace it. ("YES").
22. Working "Publishing HTML Files" will appear on your web page. (Do not
select anything on the page be patient or programe wil frezze and fail to
23. After a while, depending how long to upload. (still remain patient.)
24. Saving as: ftp://yoursite.co.uk will appear.
25. Once this disappers your upload is complete.

For future saves follow steps 11. to 25.

Happy Vista uploads with MS Publisher.




Thanks for your instructions. I hope that they also work with HTTP uploading
protocol with Vista. In fact, I assumed that you were using HTTP vs. FTP in
my response to your uploading problems with Vista. If you are using forms in
your Publisher website, you have to use HTTP.

However, I think that if you are using FTP, you should use a dedicated FTP
client...its easier. Check FileZilla:

It is free and I think you would enjoy using it to manage your site.



Ref: html, i haven't got that far, at present i am relieved just to get it to
upload with vista, it took 2 days of trying every possible way to get it to
do that.

With add new network, it won't allow me to input an http:// address.

It gives examples:
1. \\server\share (Share folder)
2. http://webserver/share (Web share)
3. ftp://mysite.co.uk (ftp site)

When i try to input http://breladecockerspaniels.co.uk it returns "the
folder you entered does not appear to be valid, please choose another".

If you know of how to write an http link please let me know.

When it publishes, it says it is publishing html file(s) but when the save
box comes up it save it as an ftp, hence no forms work.

I think i will post this one on vista, but if you can help it would be much
Cheers David


If you aren't using forms, I wouldn't waste too much time with the HTML
uploading protocol. First, you would need to activate the FPSE (frontpage
server extensions) on your host, and then you could not use FTP again as
that would corrupt the extensions.

I would suggest that you download and play with filezilla, as it is a lot
easier to work with and to see your files and folders. Try it...you'll like
it ;-)


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