uploading website from publisher 2003



I have tried to upload a website using an ftp, and although everything looks
fine when I 'preview as website', when I actually go online, only my home
page shows. All other pages give a 404 error. My host says its because I
have not linked them, but will not advise me how I do this. Any help would
be much appreciated.


Publisher 2003, when it is set at the default settings will produce an
index.htm file and an index_files folder when you Publish to the Web. The
index.htm file is your home page, and the index_files folder contains all
the other pages and all the supporting pictures and graphics. It sounds like
you did not upload the index_files folder, and that is why you can't see the
other pages.

Read the articles about uploading here:
and pay attention to the discussion of how to prepare your Pub doc before
you Publish to the Web.

If you are using a form on your site, then also reference: Publisher web
publication forms 101:

And though you are using Pub 2003, read this article too: Prepare, publish,
and maintain your Publisher Web site:
It is written for Pub 2007, but if you are using IE7 instead of IE6, then
the directions for using Vista would apply. FTP uploading has changed with
the introduction of IE7.

And if none of this helps, then post back and give us a link to your
website...the URL...so we can take a look and see what else the problem
might be.



Hi, thanks for the info. Did everything listed in the article, and have now
lost the home page from the web (although to be honest it is a waste of time
without the rest of the site!) I now have an error 403 forbidden. (it
really shouldn't be this hard - surely....or am I just very useless!!!)


No, it can be confusing the first time, but once you figure it out you will
probably wonder why it took you so long.

If you lost your home page, I suspect that you aren't uploading to the
correct place in the directory on the web host. Double check what file or
folder or where your host says to upload your files. Read the directions at
your host for uploading. They are usually in the FAQs under support. And as
I said in the first post, give us the URL, and we will try to spot your



Hi David,

I do appreciate your continued assistance. My URL, is
www.makingsenseofeducation.co.uk. and I did initially try uploading onto
ftp.surfer.com which is what my host reccommended and where I did mange the
first page (although not sure if I can even remember how I did that
now...seem to have tried so many things.) They then told me about the link
issue, but would not explain how to correct it. I then tried it the way you
suggested, and than error 403 came up. I know it is something I am doing
incorrectly, but I am now very frustrated. Streamline.net is my host, and
are turning out to be quite uninformative. I must admit, on reading your
article, it did sound quite easy, but hey ho!!


Hi David

Sorry, thought I had uploaded it.. Told you I didn't know what I was doing!
Any way, good news is, I've sorted it...Still not 100% sure how, but am
relieved to say the least. Thank you for all the info you provided. It was
very helpful as my host may have spoken japenese to me for all I understood.
It was your instructions that cleared things up.

Appreciate everything

Best Regards



Sorry, but without the home page loaded, having the URL in this case does
not help us, help you in identifying why your links didn't work.

Go back and read the specific directions that you received from your host
when you signed up for your hosted space. I am sure they either gave you
instructions in a confirmation email after you signed up, or gave you login
information about how to get into your hosted site or control panel to read
the instructions about how and where to upload your web files. Most hosts
have a FAQs section or some other instructions about how to upload your
files. Find them and read them. Focus on the FTP instructions unless you are
using a form in your Publisher built site.

If you are still using IE6 (Open IE and look under Help > About IE), then
read: Three top questions about publishing a Web site using Publisher 2003:
Pay particular attention to the instructions on how to use the FTP uploading
method. However if you are using a form on your site, then concentrate on
the http method.

Then read and study: Prepare, publish, and maintain your Publisher Web site
( for Publisher 2003 ):
Once again focus on FTP unless you are using forms.

If you are using IE7, then go back and read and study the Prepare, publish,
and maintain your Publisher Web site ( for Publisher 2007 ):

If you can't figure out how to use ftp from those instructions, then perhaps
download and install the free ftp client FileZilla.
Read the instructions:

Just keep studying the instructions from your webhost, the links from David
Bartosik, the MSFT links, and finally the filezilla instructions until you
figure it out.




I am doing the happy dance for you! Thanks for posting back. It is really
hard to help people from this end with problems with uploading, so I am glad
you figured it out.

Now, that you have your site uploaded, I would suggest that you read my
reply to Jody about cross browser compatibility, 10-14 under "Any updates
for browser compatibility". Your site needs some tweaking to work correctly
in FF. I suspect that one problem is the code fragment box at the top of the
page that contains your PayPal information. I am betting that the code
fragment box on your Publisher document page is not wide enough to
accommodate the information, and that when you load the page in FF, it
extends beyond the document page.

You can also benefit from compressing your images as per the referenced
thread to Jody.

But...congrats on making it this far.


Mike Koewler


Some things I noticed. You used a font called Imprint MT Shadow. That's
probably not a font most people have on their computers, so a different
one will be used. That can mess up your spacing.

I would lose the idea of a pop-up explaining what PayPal is, or move it
to a page that uses it. Almost everyone using a computer already knows.

Your page is too wide for me to view without a scrollbar, and my
resolution is 1028 pixels wide. You should design it no more than 1000
pixels wide though about 30 percent of visitors still use 800 pix or less.

The links on the left-hand side may be using an odd paragraph spacing,
one not supported by Mozilla. In this case, except for things not lining
up, it may be good. Black text on a dark purple background is not going
to show up.




Thank you for the additional info, and all the help you have supplied up to
now (and ofcourse, thanks for the 'happy dance'

Will keep tweaking, and if I come across any other probs, at least I now
know help is at hand.

Best Regards



Hi Mike,

Didn't realise most of the problems you spotted. Thank you so much for
taking the time in having a look, and mailing me. I will do a bit of
tweaking, and sort out what I can.

Best Regards


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