upon deleting emails view is not refreshed



We have a sporadic issue that seems to effect the majority of our user
(all using Outlook 2007 sp2, but mixed between Exch 2003 and Exch 200
mailbox servers).

When they go to delete items from their inbox, Outlook wil
occassionally stop refreshing the view. For example when they highligh
a message and select "delete" (regardless of hitting the "del" key
right-clicking and selecting Delete or pressing the "x" button) th
message remains highlighted until they change folders and return back t
the inbox (then the message or messages in question will be gone).

It appears that Outlook is deleting the items, just not removing the
from the inbox right away (or is simply not refreshing the view).

Would appreciate any ideas!

Thanks in advance


We are also experiencing this problem. We are running Windows XP SP3,
Microsoft Office SP2 with a Windows Exchange server 2003.

Has anyone found a solution or cause for this problem yet?

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