Upper case?



I am working on address lists for mailing out juried show
application. One list has text all in upper case. Another
list has text in both upper and lower case. I would like
to be consistent and convert text in xls file to upper
case only. I have found UPPER but it applies only to
formulas. Is there a way to convert all text in xls file
to upper case?

Thanks for information!


Thank you very much! I got the lower and upper to work. I
haven't got the proper to work yet but I figure I need to
study this some more first.


David McRitchie

Hi Susan,
For Proper there are two macros, you must install both.
The one you want to run is Proper_case which will
invoke the proper_case_inner macro.

If you want to run with a specific range instead of
a selection make up another macro.
sub proper_A1toB50()
call proper_case_inner(Range("A1:B50")
end sub

Look at the material immediately below the macros.

The macro themselves can be found in the webpage
the code may be copied better from (and may contain additional coding)
If their is a difference between the web page and the code,
please let me know.


Thank you! I got it to work.

Please explain what you mean by Personal.xls? I tried to enter Personal.xls
in help but did not obtain information and I haven't figured out how to
create it. I did not understand the "go down to the bottom and choose
Personal.xls instead of all workbooks"

Thank you for all the help!

David McRitchie said:
Hi Susan,
For Proper there are two macros, you must install both.
The one you want to run is Proper_case which will
invoke the proper_case_inner macro.

If you want to run with a specific range instead of
a selection make up another macro.
sub proper_A1toB50()
call proper_case_inner(Range("A1:B50")
end sub

Look at the material immediately below the macros.

The macro themselves can be found in the webpage
the code may be copied better from (and may contain additional coding)
If their is a difference between the web page and the code,
please let me know.

David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Pages: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/excel.htm
Search Page: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/search.htm

Thank you very much! I got the lower and upper to work. I
haven't got the proper to work yet but I figure I need to
study this some more first.


Peo Sjoblom



For everyone's benefit keep the discussion in the newsgroup.


Peo Sjoblom

Susan said:
Thank you! I got it to work.

Please explain what you mean by Personal.xls? I tried to enter Personal.xls
in help but did not obtain information and I haven't figured out how to
create it. I did not understand the "go down to the bottom and choose
Personal.xls instead of all workbooks"

Thank you for all the help!

David McRitchie said:
Hi Susan,
For Proper there are two macros, you must install both.
The one you want to run is Proper_case which will
invoke the proper_case_inner macro.

If you want to run with a specific range instead of
a selection make up another macro.
sub proper_A1toB50()
call proper_case_inner(Range("A1:B50")
end sub

Look at the material immediately below the macros.

The macro themselves can be found in the webpage
the code may be copied better from (and may contain additional coding)
If their is a difference between the web page and the code,
please let me know.

David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Pages: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/excel.htm
Search Page: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/search.htm

Thank you very much! I got the lower and upper to work. I
haven't got the proper to work yet but I figure I need to
study this some more first.

-----Original Message-----
Take a look at David McRitchie's Upper_Case macro, found


However, I'd convert to proper case (macro found on the
same page) -
it's far more readable.

I am working on address lists for mailing out juried
application. One list has text all in upper case.
list has text in both upper and lower case. I would
to be consistent and convert text in xls file to upper
case only. I have found UPPER but it applies only to
formulas. Is there a way to convert all text in xls
to upper case?

Thanks for information!

David McRitchie

Hi Susan,
Good that you got it to work, that is the biggest hurdle,
the rest is even easier.

I doubt that I can type up something quicker than I've
already put on a web page so try this topic.

Installing a Macro into your Personal.xls (#install)

There is nothing special about personal.xls goes (or so the
rumor goes) the fact is that Excel does provide a checkbox
so that you can automatically create the file in the XLSTART
folder for you, other there isn't much special about the
filename except that people would know what you are talking
about. You want to keep the file hidden (Window menu in Excel).

You would not find "personal.xls" in Excel Help. I expect you
would find it in the VBE Help. Help is brought in from where
it is used.
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Pages: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/excel.htm
Search Page: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/search.htm

Susan said:
Thank you! I got it to work.

Please explain what you mean by Personal.xls? I tried to enter Personal.xls
in help but did not obtain information and I haven't figured out how to
create it. I did not understand the "go down to the bottom and choose
Personal.xls instead of all workbooks"

Thank you for all the help!

David McRitchie said:
Hi Susan,
For Proper there are two macros, you must install both.
The one you want to run is Proper_case which will
invoke the proper_case_inner macro.

If you want to run with a specific range instead of
a selection make up another macro.
sub proper_A1toB50()
call proper_case_inner(Range("A1:B50")
end sub

Look at the material immediately below the macros.

The macro themselves can be found in the webpage
the code may be copied better from (and may contain additional coding)
If their is a difference between the web page and the code,
please let me know.

David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Pages: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/excel.htm
Search Page: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/search.htm

Thank you very much! I got the lower and upper to work. I
haven't got the proper to work yet but I figure I need to
study this some more first.

-----Original Message-----
Take a look at David McRitchie's Upper_Case macro, found


However, I'd convert to proper case (macro found on the
same page) -
it's far more readable.

I am working on address lists for mailing out juried
application. One list has text all in upper case.
list has text in both upper and lower case. I would
to be consistent and convert text in xls file to upper
case only. I have found UPPER but it applies only to
formulas. Is there a way to convert all text in xls
to upper case?

Thanks for information!

Gord Dibben

Help on Personal.xls is found in Excel Help under

Personal Macros>Create a Macro>Record a Macro

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

Hi Susan,
Good that you got it to work, that is the biggest hurdle,
the rest is even easier.

I doubt that I can type up something quicker than I've
already put on a web page so try this topic.

Installing a Macro into your Personal.xls (#install)

There is nothing special about personal.xls goes (or so the
rumor goes) the fact is that Excel does provide a checkbox
so that you can automatically create the file in the XLSTART
folder for you, other there isn't much special about the
filename except that people would know what you are talking
about. You want to keep the file hidden (Window menu in Excel).

You would not find "personal.xls" in Excel Help. I expect you
would find it in the VBE Help. Help is brought in from where
it is used.
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Pages: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/excel.htm
Search Page: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/search.htm

Susan said:
Thank you! I got it to work.

Please explain what you mean by Personal.xls? I tried to enter Personal.xls
in help but did not obtain information and I haven't figured out how to
create it. I did not understand the "go down to the bottom and choose
Personal.xls instead of all workbooks"

Thank you for all the help!

David McRitchie said:
Hi Susan,
For Proper there are two macros, you must install both.
The one you want to run is Proper_case which will
invoke the proper_case_inner macro.

If you want to run with a specific range instead of
a selection make up another macro.
sub proper_A1toB50()
call proper_case_inner(Range("A1:B50")
end sub

Look at the material immediately below the macros.

The macro themselves can be found in the webpage
the code may be copied better from (and may contain additional coding)
If their is a difference between the web page and the code,
please let me know.

David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Pages: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/excel.htm
Search Page: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/search.htm

Thank you very much! I got the lower and upper to work. I
haven't got the proper to work yet but I figure I need to
study this some more first.

-----Original Message-----
Take a look at David McRitchie's Upper_Case macro, found


However, I'd convert to proper case (macro found on the
same page) -
it's far more readable.

I am working on address lists for mailing out juried
application. One list has text all in upper case.
list has text in both upper and lower case. I would
to be consistent and convert text in xls file to upper
case only. I have found UPPER but it applies only to
formulas. Is there a way to convert all text in xls
to upper case?

Thanks for information!


Thank you everyone especially David McRitchie! I got the Personal.xls file
created since I did not have one. Everything seems to work fine. Excel is
wonderful for sorting names and deleting duplicates and now using those

You make this newsgroup wonderful!


Gord Dibben said:
Help on Personal.xls is found in Excel Help under

Personal Macros>Create a Macro>Record a Macro

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

Hi Susan,
Good that you got it to work, that is the biggest hurdle,
the rest is even easier.

I doubt that I can type up something quicker than I've
already put on a web page so try this topic.

Installing a Macro into your Personal.xls (#install)

There is nothing special about personal.xls goes (or so the
rumor goes) the fact is that Excel does provide a checkbox
so that you can automatically create the file in the XLSTART
folder for you, other there isn't much special about the
filename except that people would know what you are talking
about. You want to keep the file hidden (Window menu in Excel).

You would not find "personal.xls" in Excel Help. I expect you
would find it in the VBE Help. Help is brought in from where
it is used.
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Pages: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/excel.htm
Search Page: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/search.htm

Susan said:
Thank you! I got it to work.

Please explain what you mean by Personal.xls? I tried to enter Personal.xls
in help but did not obtain information and I haven't figured out how to
create it. I did not understand the "go down to the bottom and choose
Personal.xls instead of all workbooks"

Thank you for all the help!

Hi Susan,
For Proper there are two macros, you must install both.
The one you want to run is Proper_case which will
invoke the proper_case_inner macro.

If you want to run with a specific range instead of
a selection make up another macro.
sub proper_A1toB50()
call proper_case_inner(Range("A1:B50")
end sub

Look at the material immediately below the macros.

The macro themselves can be found in the webpage
the code may be copied better from (and may contain additional coding)
If their is a difference between the web page and the code,
please let me know.

David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Pages: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/excel.htm
Search Page: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/search.htm

Thank you very much! I got the lower and upper to work. I
haven't got the proper to work yet but I figure I need to
study this some more first.

-----Original Message-----
Take a look at David McRitchie's Upper_Case macro, found


However, I'd convert to proper case (macro found on the
same page) -
it's far more readable.

I am working on address lists for mailing out juried
application. One list has text all in upper case.
list has text in both upper and lower case. I would
to be consistent and convert text in xls file to upper
case only. I have found UPPER but it applies only to
formulas. Is there a way to convert all text in xls
to upper case?

Thanks for information!

David McRitchie

Hi Susan,
You're welcome. Now that you've installed a macro, when
you have a programming question the group would
be excel.programming then everyone assumes you
know how to install and use a macro. But ...

There are also Event macros based on Entering a change
to a cell, double click, right click, sheet activation etc. that
you might also look at -- they're even more fun -- even
installed differently.
so between those and what you already know you're all
set for the excel.programming newsgroup.

Worksheet specific solutions in excel.worksheet.functions

and general questions right where you are at in excel.misc

Now you can tell people they need a macro. :)
In fact you'll even be able to tell them how long it took you
to learn to use a macro. Install it in your personal.xls so
you could use it anywhere, and how much time you saved
in the first 24 hours.

I used to work with different kind of macros, programming
and documentation but it would bother
me when I'd go past an office and I'd hear continuous
patterns of clicking noises (pounding in some cases)
not from typing, but from tabbing, enter and directional arrows.
And then they tell our boss that they spent at least a day
fixing their documentation or program.

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