Upside Down Graphics in Headers



I have just upgraded to Office 2003 Professional Edition
(on a Windows XP Pro machine) and I am having a strange
problem with graphics in headers of documents that I
receive via email. Basically the graphic appears and
prints inverted in the header. I have saved the document
from Outlook and then opened it with Word with the same

If I use the drawing toolbar to flip the graphic it
disappears from view in page layout view, leaving { SHAPE
\* MERGEFORMAT } but it is not a field. The graphic is
still there in the Print Preview and printed document
though (and the correct way up).

I have tried opening the exact same unaltered document
with Word 2002 (from Office XP) on another computer and
it works fine. If I forward the document through email to
other users not using Word 2003, they open it fine as

Can anyone shed any light on this phenomonem?



The KB Article was quite helpful. The XP SP3 obviously would not load to Office 2003, so I went ahead and updated the registry settings as suggested in the article anyway (using both ...\Office\10.0\Common and ...\Office\11.0\Common). A quick restart later and the graphics are now appearing the correct way up. It is interesting that some of the other graphics were not flipped, however all is working well know.

I appreciate the assistance.

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