Max Yaffe
I'd like to upsize an Access 2000 database to SQL Server 200.
Currently I'm running Access 2000 sp3. I think there may be a patch
available which allows the upsize wizard to work with SQL Server 2000
instead of SQL Server 7.0. However, the patch I found, entitled
"Access SQL Server 2000 Readiness Patch", doesn't work with sp3.
Do I need a different patch?
Please direct me to the appropriate news group if this isn't the right
Currently I'm running Access 2000 sp3. I think there may be a patch
available which allows the upsize wizard to work with SQL Server 2000
instead of SQL Server 7.0. However, the patch I found, entitled
"Access SQL Server 2000 Readiness Patch", doesn't work with sp3.
Do I need a different patch?
Please direct me to the appropriate news group if this isn't the right