Upsizing Questions Access 2000 to SQL


Eddie D

I've got an Access Application that is split. I recently upsized the back
end database to SQL 2000. Tables were created but a dbo prefix was added to
the front of each table name. I created a DSN and have attempted to link my
front end to all the tables. My Queries (stored on the front end) all
reference the native table names (w/o dbo prefix). Should I rename all the
tables? Should I store the Queries on the SQL side? Haven't seen much
written on this.

Sylvain Lafontaine

On a SQL-Server, each table have a owner and you can have many tables with
the same name but with different owners; hence the precaution taken by the
upsizing wizard to add the prefix dbo_ before your upsized tables.

Rename your tables and you should be fine. However, it may be a little slow
to performs the required joins over the TCP/IP. You will have to test it to
see if the performances are good enough for you. If not, come back here to
ask some more questions.

Also, this newsgroup is about ADP. You will have more chance with your
questions on a more appropriate newsgroup.

S. L.

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