Upsizing to sql 2003



How do I create an Access database front-end to an SQL Server database
back-end so that you can create a front-end/back-end application
(front-end/back-end application: An application consisting of a "back-end"
database file that contains tables, and copies of a "front-end" database file
that contain all other database objects with links to the "back-end"
tables.). This approach requires very little application modification since
the code is still using the Jet database engine (Microsoft Jet database
engine: The part of the Access database system that retrieves and stores data
in user and system databases. It can be thought of as a data manager upon
which database systems, such as Access, are built.).

Thanks you

Michel Walsh

A possible solution is to update the DATA only. Next, still using a dot-mdb
(not a dot-adp), inside your Access application, use LINKED tables to your
MS SQL Server back-end, and continue to use Jet-queries, on those linked
tables, and Access forms/reports/modules.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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