Urgent : HELP Me Plea......se

  • Thread starter Ashish Kanoongo
  • Start date

Ashish Kanoongo

Please review the code, andletmeknow whats wrong I am doing

Dim rsInvoiceRecord As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim oConn As New ADODB.Connection

Sql = "drop table tmpExcel"
If oConn.State = 1 Then oConn.Close
oConn.Open CurrentProject.Connection
oConn.Execute Sql
*-------------------------------------------1st Error
The Database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine 'devp' that prevents it from being opened or locked
*------------------------------------------------ Once I skip/ignore this

Sql = "CREATE TABLE tmpExcel ([Account Name] text(30), [Invoice No] integer,[Billing Assets Quarter] currency default 0,[Advance Billing] currency default 0,[Capse Dist] currency default 0,"
For j = LBound(arrcode) To UBound(arrcode)
If arrcode(j) <> "" Then
Sql = Sql + arrcode(j) + " currency default 0, "
End If

*-------------------------------------------2nd Error (Give me same error again)
The Database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine 'devp' that prevents it from being opened or locked

rsInvoiceRecord.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
rsInvoiceRecord.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsInvoiceRecord.Open "Select * from tmpExcel", , adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

*-------------------------------------------3rdError (Give me same error again)
The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object.....
If here I stay 1-2 min in debug mode, then I run, it execute perfectly. It seems here it is looking for some delay. I also tried DoEvents, but not able to make it workable.
rsInvoiceRecord.Fields(0).Value = rsDetailInvoice.Fields(0).Value


I tried various option, please let me how do I handle this?

Ashish K

George Nicholson

AFAIK you can't set the Default property of a field via SQL, that is why
DEFAULT 0 doesn't work. When creating a table, SQL only allows you to name
a new field, set it's Type/size and create indexes.

Once the table is created you can modify the various properties of the new
field/table via DAO or ADO in a separate step, but you can't do it all at

Hope this helps,

George Nicholson

Remove 'Junk' from return address.

I tried docmd.runsql for delete table sqland create table sql. Delete
tablesql works great , but incase of create teble sql it give me error in
following sql

CREATE TABLE tmpExcel ([Account Name] text(30), [Invoice No] integer,
[Billing Assets Quarter] CURRENCY DEFAULT 0 , [Advance Billing] currency ,
[Capse Dist] currency )

Then I directly tried in access query, it give me error on "DEFAULT 0", if i
remove this,it works perfectly.

Whats wrong I am doing? Am I useing correct syntax?
Please review the code, andletmeknow whats wrong I am doing

Dim rsInvoiceRecord As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim oConn As New ADODB.Connection

Sql = "drop table tmpExcel"
If oConn.State = 1 Then oConn.Close
oConn.Open CurrentProject.Connection
oConn.Execute Sql
*-------------------------------------------1st Error
The Database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine 'devp'
that prevents it from being opened or locked
*------------------------------------------------ Once I skip/ignore this

Sql = "CREATE TABLE tmpExcel ([Account Name] text(30), [Invoice No]
integer,[Billing Assets Quarter] currency default 0,[Advance Billing]
currency default 0,[Capse Dist] currency default 0,"
For j = LBound(arrcode) To UBound(arrcode)
If arrcode(j) <> "" Then
Sql = Sql + arrcode(j) + " currency default 0, "
End If

*-------------------------------------------2nd Error (Give me same error
The Database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine 'devp'
that prevents it from being opened or locked

rsInvoiceRecord.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
rsInvoiceRecord.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsInvoiceRecord.Open "Select * from tmpExcel", , adOpenDynamic,

*-------------------------------------------3rdError (Give me same error
The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object.....
If here I stay 1-2 min in debug mode, then I run, it execute perfectly. It
seems here it is looking for some delay. I also tried DoEvents, but not able
to make it workable.
rsInvoiceRecord.Fields(0).Value = rsDetailInvoice.Fields(0).Value

Ashish Kanoongo

Finally I did it, Please review the following code and let me know any other recommendations

SQL = "drop table tmpExcel"
Set DB = CurrentDb
Dim TD As TableDef
Set TD = DB.CreateTableDef("tmpExcel") 'create a table
With TD
.Fields.Append TD.CreateField("Account Name", dbText)
.Fields(0).Size = 30
.Fields.Append TD.CreateField("Invoice No", dbInteger)
.Fields.Append TD.CreateField("Billing Assets Quarter", dbCurrency)
.Fields(2).DefaultValue = 0
.Fields.Append TD.CreateField("Advance Billing", dbCurrency)
.Fields(3).DefaultValue = 0
.Fields.Append TD.CreateField("Capse Dist", dbCurrency)
.Fields(4).DefaultValue = 0
.Fields.Append TD.CreateField("Available to Dist", dbCurrency)
.Fields(5).DefaultValue = 0
fldCount = 0
For j = LBound(arrcode) To UBound(arrcode)
If arrcode(j) <> "" Then
.Fields.Append TD.CreateField(arrcode(j), dbCurrency)
.Fields(j).DefaultValue = 0
fldCount = fldCount + 1
End If
.Fields.Append TD.CreateField("Total To Dist", dbCurrency)
.Fields(fldCount).DefaultValue = 0
fldCount = fldCount + 1
.Fields.Append TD.CreateField("AIPFlag", dbCurrency)
.Fields(fldCount).DefaultValue = 0
DB.TableDefs.Append TD
End With
George Nicholson said:
AFAIK you can't set the Default property of a field via SQL, that is why
DEFAULT 0 doesn't work. When creating a table, SQL only allows you to name
a new field, set it's Type/size and create indexes.

Once the table is created you can modify the various properties of the new
field/table via DAO or ADO in a separate step, but you can't do it all at

Hope this helps,

George Nicholson

Remove 'Junk' from return address.

I tried docmd.runsql for delete table sqland create table sql. Delete
tablesql works great , but incase of create teble sql it give me error in
following sql

CREATE TABLE tmpExcel ([Account Name] text(30), [Invoice No] integer,
[Billing Assets Quarter] CURRENCY DEFAULT 0 , [Advance Billing] currency ,
[Capse Dist] currency )

Then I directly tried in access query, it give me error on "DEFAULT 0", if i
remove this,it works perfectly.

Whats wrong I am doing? Am I useing correct syntax?
Please review the code, andletmeknow whats wrong I am doing

Dim rsInvoiceRecord As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim oConn As New ADODB.Connection

Sql = "drop table tmpExcel"
If oConn.State = 1 Then oConn.Close
oConn.Open CurrentProject.Connection
oConn.Execute Sql
*-------------------------------------------1st Error
The Database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine 'devp'
that prevents it from being opened or locked
*------------------------------------------------ Once I skip/ignore this

Sql = "CREATE TABLE tmpExcel ([Account Name] text(30), [Invoice No]
integer,[Billing Assets Quarter] currency default 0,[Advance Billing]
currency default 0,[Capse Dist] currency default 0,"
For j = LBound(arrcode) To UBound(arrcode)
If arrcode(j) <> "" Then
Sql = Sql + arrcode(j) + " currency default 0, "
End If

*-------------------------------------------2nd Error (Give me same error
The Database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin' on machine 'devp'
that prevents it from being opened or locked

rsInvoiceRecord.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
rsInvoiceRecord.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsInvoiceRecord.Open "Select * from tmpExcel", , adOpenDynamic,

*-------------------------------------------3rdError (Give me same error
The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object.....
If here I stay 1-2 min in debug mode, then I run, it execute perfectly. It
seems here it is looking for some delay. I also tried DoEvents, but not able
to make it workable.
rsInvoiceRecord.Fields(0).Value = rsDetailInvoice.Fields(0).Value


I tried various option, please let me how do I handle this?

Ashish K

Kent McLain

I had a simular problem and after searching MS Knowledge
base found out that you need to use additional statments
in the rs.open statement. I used the following because
you need to specify the type of locking being used. Per
MS article

'Open the recordset
rsCandidate.Open "Select * FROM Candidates",
CurrentProject.Connection, _
adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

In short you can use the intellisense to help fill in the
blanks ie after you finish the part in quotes and specify
the connection you need to specify at a min
adlockoptimistic other lock type.

Hope this helps let me know. It got rid of my recordset
-----Original Message-----
I tried docmd.runsql for delete table sqland create
table sql. Delete tablesql works great , but incase of
create teble sql it give me error in following sql
CREATE TABLE tmpExcel ([Account Name] text(30), [Invoice
No] integer, [Billing Assets Quarter] CURRENCY DEFAULT
0 , [Advance Billing] currency , [Capse Dist] currency )
Then I directly tried in access query, it give me error
on "DEFAULT 0", if i remove this,it works perfectly.
Whats wrong I am doing? Am I useing correct syntax?
"Ashish Kanoongo" <[email protected]> wrote
in message news:%[email protected]...
Please review the code, andletmeknow whats wrong I am doing

Dim rsInvoiceRecord As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim oConn As New ADODB.Connection

Sql = "drop table tmpExcel"
If oConn.State = 1 Then oConn.Close
oConn.Open CurrentProject.Connection
oConn.Execute Sql
*-------------------------------------------1st Error
The Database has been placed in a state by
user 'Admin' on machine 'devp' that prevents it from
being opened or locked
*------------------------------------------------ Once I skip/ignore this

Sql = "CREATE TABLE tmpExcel ([Account Name] text(30),
[Invoice No] integer,[Billing Assets Quarter] currency
default 0,[Advance Billing] currency default 0,[Capse
Dist] currency default 0,"
For j = LBound(arrcode) To UBound(arrcode)
If arrcode(j) <> "" Then
Sql = Sql + arrcode(j) + " currency default 0, "
End If

*-------------------------------------------2nd Error (Give me same error again)
The Database has been placed in a state by
user 'Admin' on machine 'devp' that prevents it from
being opened or locked

rsInvoiceRecord.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
rsInvoiceRecord.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsInvoiceRecord.Open "Select * from tmpExcel", ,
adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
*-------------------------------------------3rdError (Give me same error again)
The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object.....
If here I stay 1-2 min in debug mode, then I run, it
execute perfectly. It seems here it is looking for some
delay. I also tried DoEvents, but not able to make it
rsInvoiceRecord.Fields(0).Value = rsDetailInvoice.Fields(0).Value


I tried various option, please let me how do I handle this?

Ashish K