Urgent Help Needed please



There are two companies (Company A and Company B)
and their earnings announcement dates are different

In the attached file, there is matrix about periods, announcent dates
and the data (Net profit margin) for an example....

I want to find out:

i want to pick a random date, and it will bring the net profit margin
of the company..

of course the random dates are not the same as announcent dates and
when a random date is higher than announcement date it will bring the
latest announcent data,, you can see in attached file

thanks in advance

|Filename: data.zip |
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=4736 |


Barkiny, could you be a little more specific? Would you mind small changes
to your data, like transposing some of it?


I dont mind any changes in the data, that is only for illustration

for example
i enter "01/05/2004" (I am not using english date system btw.. so the
months are in middle...)

when i enter 01/05/2004, i know that earnings are announcent for
company B but not company A so i should be like that

Company A Company B
01/05/2004 n.a. -17.11

but when i enter say.. 01/07/2004
it should be like
Company A Company B
01/05/2004 n.a. -17.11
01/07/2004 -4.03 -17.11


Have you ever used the Index and Match functions together? You can use this
like VLookup, but with ranges. Perhaps if you reformatted your data so that
if your random date falls within a particular range you'll get on value and
if it's between another range, you'll get another range. Try that out and
let me know if this does it for you.

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