Urgent - Is MOSS mandatory for Proposal Workflow in PS 2007??





I want to use the workflow capabilities in Project Server 2007 e.g.
when creating a new proposal, it should go to the Approver for his
approval and then it should be converted to project. In my current
installation, I have WSS3.0, Project Server 2007 alongwith Project Pro
2007 all in one box. I have not installed Office Sharepoint Server
2007 but in the documentation it says .NET Framework 3.0 and WSS3.0
uses the in-built Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF) bundled in the
framework. So, why do we need Office Sharepoint Portal Server 2007 for
workflow capabilities since we already have the workflow engine in the

Please correct me if i'm wrong somewhere.

I need your inputs. Please suggest.

Thanks and Regards,

Ben Howard

MOSS is not mandatory, as you have correctly pointed out the the Windows
Workflow foundation is installed as part of the .netfw 3.0. There is an
approval group, make sure your approvers are part of this.


Hi Ben,

I have configured the approvers group i.e. Proposal Reviewers Group,
but when I'm creating a New proposal still Workflow section is not
being displayed, In the documentation I read that there will be a
workflow section from wherein we can pick up Approver and then the
proposal will flow to that approver. Could you please let me know why
i'm unable to see the workflow section?

Does it require MOSS?

Thanks and Regards,

Ben Howard

Hi Dilip,
In order to get workflow working, you need to to create an account an
configure the web.config file. Here are some instructions...

1. Add a “special†account to Project Server and give it “Log On†and
“Change Project State†global permissions. Let’s call this account
“PorposalSpecialAccount†and you can use an account, e.g. domain\user.

2. Modify the D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80\web.config file
and add the following node exactly as typed here under the <configuration>


<add key="ProposalSpecialAccount" value="domain\user" />


You also need to add a user to the Proposal Reviewers security group - who
will be the recipient of the workflow tasks.

MOSS gives you the preconfigured Project Proposal Workflow process, should
you want to use it. However, you can create your own using SharePoint
designer or visual studio.


Hi Ben,

I tried out the instructions listed by you, but still no success. I'm
unable to see the workflow section when creating a new proposal. I'm
able to choose the "State" information i.e. I choose it to "proposed"
but then there's no Approver box to whom to route to. I have seen
couple of threads wherein people are facing the same issue as me.
Any help appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,

Ben Howard

Hi Dilip,
After further investigation, I think I can finally clarify...
Though MOSS is not required for workflow per se, it is required for the
EPM2007 specific Proposal workflow!

Standard workflow on documents in the WSS libaries etc does not require MOSS.

It's fair to say that this has caused huge confusion in the EPM community.

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