Urgent.. Need help with Excel..



Hi Everyone..

I am Java Developer and have no idea how VBA works.. I have the
following excercise need to be done asap part of my MBA... Would anyone
can help and get me started or write it fully for me and I can pay some
money for that..


p.s. If someone is going to write it, I want it to be well committed so
I can go over the code and understand myself so I can do it next time..


You are to design, build and test a spreadsheet for the task described
An Independent Financial Advisor, wishes to have an Excel spreadsheet
which can be down-loaded from their website which will provide advice
as to the most competitive home loans available. The system should be
able to cope with at least 3 types of loans
1. First-time buyers.
2. re-mortgaging an existing property
3. moving home

The system should be able to cope with mortgages for individuals and
couples and give appropriate warnings if no suitable mortgage is

In considering your design you should note:
While most lenders offer loans of up to 3.5 times highest income + 2
times second income, the multiples can vary between lenders (and also
may depend on the profession of the mortgage).
Interest rates may vary depending on the percentage of the value of the
property to be mortgaged.
The data on currently available mortgages will need to be updated by
linking to a suitable web page or from an external database. The final
format for either a database or webpage to do this has not been decided
so you should suggest an appropriate one, and provide example data that
demonstrates that you spreadsheet will be able to be updates
Other factors such as separate listings of fixed, discount and variable
rate mortgages may be included.

You should hand in:
1. A detailed specification of the system including house style and
example customer data and lender data.
2. your system on disk
3. a test schedule
4. some detailed test results which should demonstrate the system at
least works correctly on the example data (from 1 above)

Your system should demonstrate the following:
1. at least one fully working User Form
2. use of cell protection, data validation and conditional formatting
3. clear documentation of VBA code
4. clear and uncluttered layout
5. appropriate error messages
6. Ability to update the mortgage data from at least one of a database
or web page.
7. Good use of Excels Charts and built-in formula.

Marks will be rewarded for:
1) A spreadsheet system (70%)
· appropriate use of excel formula, data validation, protection
· some simple use of VBA
· at least one User form for data input
· connection to Web-page and/or database
2) Documentation (15%)
· a specification of the system
· a house style
· example data (in database or web page)

3) Testing (15%)
· A test schedule
· Detailed documentation of some test that illustrate the features of
the spreadsheet produced

Bob Phillips

I think it is time for you to hit the books. Surely, the point of an
exercise for your MBA is for you to work out how to do it yourself, not to
just throw it up to a public forum and ask someone else to write it,
commented or not, and then for you to present it as your work.

There are plenty of books and websites on Excel and VBA that you can


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

Hi Everyone..

I am Java Developer and have no idea how VBA works.. I have the
following excercise need to be done asap part of my MBA... Would anyone
can help and get me started or write it fully for me and I can pay some
money for that..


p.s. If someone is going to write it, I want it to be well committed so
I can go over the code and understand myself so I can do it next time..


You are to design, build and test a spreadsheet for the task described
An Independent Financial Advisor, wishes to have an Excel spreadsheet
which can be down-loaded from their website which will provide advice
as to the most competitive home loans available. The system should be
able to cope with at least 3 types of loans
1. First-time buyers.
2. re-mortgaging an existing property
3. moving home

The system should be able to cope with mortgages for individuals and
couples and give appropriate warnings if no suitable mortgage is

In considering your design you should note:
While most lenders offer loans of up to 3.5 times highest income + 2
times second income, the multiples can vary between lenders (and also
may depend on the profession of the mortgage).
Interest rates may vary depending on the percentage of the value of the
property to be mortgaged.
The data on currently available mortgages will need to be updated by
linking to a suitable web page or from an external database. The final
format for either a database or webpage to do this has not been decided
so you should suggest an appropriate one, and provide example data that
demonstrates that you spreadsheet will be able to be updates
Other factors such as separate listings of fixed, discount and variable
rate mortgages may be included.

You should hand in:
1. A detailed specification of the system including house style and
example customer data and lender data.
2. your system on disk
3. a test schedule
4. some detailed test results which should demonstrate the system at
least works correctly on the example data (from 1 above)

Your system should demonstrate the following:
1. at least one fully working User Form
2. use of cell protection, data validation and conditional formatting
3. clear documentation of VBA code
4. clear and uncluttered layout
5. appropriate error messages
6. Ability to update the mortgage data from at least one of a database
or web page.
7. Good use of Excels Charts and built-in formula.

Marks will be rewarded for:
1) A spreadsheet system (70%)
· appropriate use of excel formula, data validation, protection
· some simple use of VBA
· at least one User form for data input
· connection to Web-page and/or database
2) Documentation (15%)
· a specification of the system
· a house style
· example data (in database or web page)

3) Testing (15%)
· A test schedule
· Detailed documentation of some test that illustrate the features of
the spreadsheet produced


oh dear. I know the bonus pool was poor at Dresdner Bank, but no need to be
in such a hurry to get your MBA and get out.

Moral: Don't publish to a newsgroup with your work email address...


and whats that got to do with my post.. first my MBA got nothing to do
with my work.. I am totally committed where I am working.. 2nd) if you
try to proof point then do it in more sensible way, otherwise don't
post reply.. for ur info, I am trying to help my mate,, he is doing MSc
at Birmingham uni.. I don't do spreedsheets and if I want to be
bothered and do it, then I can cuz I am java programmer..


and... you proofed ur point.. I am not doing an MBA, its for my mate at
bham uni.. happy now..

Bob Phillips

Makes no difference that I can see, you are just acting as a proxy for your
mate, the principle remains ... he needs to do it himself.


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

and... you proofed ur point.. I am not doing an MBA, its for my mate at
bham uni.. happy now..

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