I have an element in the schema that is a text field. I set the default to
have a space at the end (a trailing space). This is because I am going to
concatonate it with another text element and need the space for formatting.
However, when I save the file, close it and open it back up, it seems to have
stripped out the trailing space. Futher, I have them bound to a checkbox UI
element that has the value when checked as having the trailing space. It,
however, retains the space. Thus, when I open the xsn back up, although it
should be selected as a default, it is NOT because of the trailing
whitespace. Please tell me there is some type of setting change that will
correct this. Thx.
have a space at the end (a trailing space). This is because I am going to
concatonate it with another text element and need the space for formatting.
However, when I save the file, close it and open it back up, it seems to have
stripped out the trailing space. Futher, I have them bound to a checkbox UI
element that has the value when checked as having the trailing space. It,
however, retains the space. Thus, when I open the xsn back up, although it
should be selected as a default, it is NOT because of the trailing
whitespace. Please tell me there is some type of setting change that will
correct this. Thx.