
I have an element in the schema that is a text field. I set the default to
have a space at the end (a trailing space). This is because I am going to
concatonate it with another text element and need the space for formatting.
However, when I save the file, close it and open it back up, it seems to have
stripped out the trailing space. Futher, I have them bound to a checkbox UI
element that has the value when checked as having the trailing space. It,
however, retains the space. Thus, when I open the xsn back up, although it
should be selected as a default, it is NOT because of the trailing
whitespace. Please tell me there is some type of setting change that will
correct this. Thx.

Franck Dauché


Why don't you insert the space just before you need to concatenate your
text? You don't need to carry it around. OnAfterChange of field1 or field2,
your 3rd field could be: field1.text + " " + field2.text.

Hope that it helps.

Franck Dauché


Thanks but that (alone) won't help me. You see, if I don't select field1.text
than I get an extra space in the final result.

I think I solved it, although its a pain. I am doing as you suggest, but
also wrapping the whole thing in a normalize-space xpath command, to remove
the extra spaces.

Thanks for the response.

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