Urgent! Receiving error and duplicating records


Casey Matthews

Please bear in mind I have only been using Access since
December/January, and have learned how to do what I've
done in this short time by trial and error, so please
use 'basic lingo' in responding to me - I'm not yet the
guru that I would like to be....

Just to give an idea of what I've got going on, before I
explain what my problem is:

I've built a database, that feeds three of its tables via
ODBC links to AS400. I then, using those three tables,
use make table queries to build a couple of other tables.
Also, I have made one seperate table on my own. These are
the basic 'players' that make up the database.

The reason I make separate tables out of the three fed
from AS400, is because, some fields relating to the key
field may have more than one entry applicable to the key
field. Each aspect causes a separate record to be
generated for the key field. I both want and don't want
this to be available. So, I've had to build two tables -
one that counts/adds/etc certain things, causing for only
one record to generate for the key field, and one that
doesn't, so that I can lookup specific info relating to
the key field. The table that counts/adds/etc info is
used to build the query on which my form is based. The
one table that I made on my own (not fed from AS400) is
used for subforms. These subform fields ARE THE ONLY AREA
WHERE USERS ENTER INFORMATION. Like a case management,
based on case numbers as the key field.

I have also set this up to run as a back end on the
network, with a front end set up and placed on each user's

Here is the problem: At least one (and so far, only one)
user has advised of the following error message: "The
microsoft jet database engine stopped the process because
you and another user are attempting to change the same
data at the same time". However, nobody else is in the
database. ALSO>>> This seems to cause the record to
duplicate in my 'subform' table....

This same user had suffered from not being able to use
the 'sendobject' ability.

We checked his pc, and found that he had two different
versions of access installed - one was the small business
version, and the other was access 2000. We removed both,
and reinstalled access 2000. He is now able to use the
sendobject function.


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