URGENT!VB Code to format Calendar View




We are using Project 2003 to schedule the "schedule" of a manufacturing
process. The resources are rooms and each project represents a different
product. Previous use of Excel and manual formatting, proved to be a great
way to show by color which product was in which room at any point in time.
Of course, using Excel is next to impossible to manage such a dynamic
scheduling process. It just looked good. Project 2003's calendar view shows
the project the way we want it to after formatting with the color that
represents the product. So, we have a Master Project, showing several
different products going through the manufacturing process. However, you can
only have one color or two with a marked task highlight. Instead, can we use
VB code to conditionally format based on the Project Summary task contents?
Compare this with Excel's formula driven condtiional format. We would need
four colors, blue, red, green, orange ( not in Project's color pallet). If
this is possible, can someone offer access to the code. Thanks!


I guess I always assumed that the reason for using VB is to do the things
not built into the interface. thanks for your reply thoughh!!!!

Gary L. Chefetz


I think Rod's comments were aimed particularly at formatting Project's
display components, not that you can't use VBA to do things in Project that
the system doesn't do out of the box. For instance, there's no practical
limit to what you can do to enhance Project from a data handling perspective
using VBA. However, you can't use it to change formatting of the data within
the Project client if the client doesn't have that capability to do it
manually. What you probably want to do is develop macros to move data in and
out of Project and Excel to take advantage of the Excel formatting you want
to leverage for reporting purposes. There are other means to your end as



Thanks so much for the words of encouragement. I still need to solve the
problem. They are insisting on using a calendar like view and need the
coloring to show which product is on the line. If you have any examples of
how you think this might work, I would appreciate it. If you want to reply
off the list that is fine.


Rod Gill

I don't think Project lets you do that manually so you can't do it with VBA
either. You have much more flexibility with a Gantt chart where you can have
semi-conditional formatting as you can set colors depending on which Flag
(Flag1-20) is set to yes.


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:

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