url addresses



I posted my index file and index.htm to a ftp site. included in the index
file were video clips and publisher files that I wanted to put hyperlinks
towards after they were uploaded. So I open the web site on my computer and
try to create a hyperlink by browsing to ftp site --> httpdocs---> then I
fall out of the publisher insert hyperlink windows. So I need to make my
hyperlinks absolute and i wanted to write in the url but i do not know how,
would the hyperlink look like www.lamardms/indexfiles/mediaclip1 or would it
be more like ftp/lamardms/httpdocs/indexfiles/mediaclip1 ?
any help would be appreciated.


I followed the link and absorbed the material, that article helped a ton. I
also found alot of stuff on unix being case sensitive and I did away with all
the spaces and caps in my file names but the links are dead even thought the
url displayed when I hover at lamardms.com looks correct.


I am guessing that you did not upload the files that you are trying to link
to...or you uploaded them somewhere else on your site...or you still haven't
matched up the spelling between link and file.

From your home page, and under price lists, you have a link from
http://lamardms.com/downloadform/webservicesform.zip which does not work.

You said in your original post that you uploaded the external files to your
index_files folder, but
http://lamardms.com/index_files/downloadform/webservicesform.zip does not
work either. Nor does
http://lamardms.com/index_files/webservicesform.zip or

The zillion dollar question is what did you really call your zip file, did
you actually upload it, and where? After changing all your links to lower
case, no spaces etc, did you also change the names of the zip file? Did you
change the name of the subfolder "downloadform"?

And by the way, I think the way you are trying to structure your site makes
sense. Creating subfolders such as "downloadform", "samplevideo" etc, beside
and at the same level as, rather than within your "index_files" folder makes
good sense. Then you upload the your external files to that subfolder and
write the link as you did, and when you update your main site, all your have
to change is the index.htm file and the index_files folder, and not have to
take the time to upload the external files again.



Here is a sample of where I put the files: from my network places the path
to the files are, ftp://lamardms.com/httpdocs/downloadform/auctionform.zip
and the corresponding url looks like,

Originaly I uploaded my .zips and .wmv into the index_files support file but
I have since deleted those files and uploaded new htm to the ftp site, I have
gone through the publisher dialouge boxes to save it and I have also gone
drag and dropped files to my ftp site. Nothing works, even though I tour my
ftp site and see the files there as I cited in the first address line. If
you have any ideas that would be great, I am going to keep messing with it, I
am probally doing something stupid.


Sorry...I saw your other post, but I still think that it is probably
something as simple as a spelling mistake, or most likely that you have not
uploaded the zip file to where you think you did, because the way you are
writing the links seems fine.

Let me ask you this. Do you have a folder called "downloadform" on the same
level as your index.htm file and index_files folder? Or in other words, when
you log onto your host, and when you find your index_files folder and
index.htm file, do you also see the "downloadform" folder at the same time?
And when you look into the "downloadform" folder is there a file that is
called "auctionform.zip"? One of your answers to these questions has to be
no, otherwise the link http://lamardms.com/downloadform/auctionform.zip
would work.

Perhaps log into your site from your control panel on your site, and study
your file structure that way to discover the error.



Thanks for hanging with me on this. The only thing I can think about is the
fact that I named the url before the files were there. Looking at it from
plesk is probally a good idea and I'll double check the spelling by redoing
the links and uploads.
I 'll keep you posted.

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