I am having trouble getting a URL to format correctly in
Lotus Notes. I found some code online to get Access to
send an email using Lotus Notes but I need to include a
link to a website in the email. Using the code below the
hyperlink comes out in the email looking like this:
How do I get rid of the #'s surrounding the URL?
Dim Session, dbs, MailDoc As Object
Dim RTItem As Variant
Dim EMailAddress, MailSubject, FileLocation As String
EMailAddress = rst!Email
MailSubject = "Notice " & rst!Issue_Num
Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
Set dbs = Session.getdatabase("myserver", "mymailname")
Set MailDoc = dbs.createdocument()
Set RTItem = MailDoc.createrichtextitem("Body")
MailDoc.Form = "Memo"
MailDoc.SendTo = EMailAddress
MailDoc.Subject = MailSubject
Call RTItem.AppendText("Please read and respond to the
following notice by " & Me!Comments_Deadline & "." & Chr
(13) & Me!Notice_Hyperlink)
MailDoc.send (False)
Lotus Notes. I found some code online to get Access to
send an email using Lotus Notes but I need to include a
link to a website in the email. Using the code below the
hyperlink comes out in the email looking like this:
How do I get rid of the #'s surrounding the URL?
Dim Session, dbs, MailDoc As Object
Dim RTItem As Variant
Dim EMailAddress, MailSubject, FileLocation As String
EMailAddress = rst!Email
MailSubject = "Notice " & rst!Issue_Num
Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
Set dbs = Session.getdatabase("myserver", "mymailname")
Set MailDoc = dbs.createdocument()
Set RTItem = MailDoc.createrichtextitem("Body")
MailDoc.Form = "Memo"
MailDoc.SendTo = EMailAddress
MailDoc.Subject = MailSubject
Call RTItem.AppendText("Please read and respond to the
following notice by " & Me!Comments_Deadline & "." & Chr
(13) & Me!Notice_Hyperlink)
MailDoc.send (False)