URL Masking causes website trouble


Colin Dixon

Sorry for the long description. Say my main domain is
www.it.com with a sub directory www.it.com/sub/. I have
another domain called www.this.com which is forwarded to
www.it.com/sub/. When someone types in www.this.com they
go to www.it.com/sub/. When you forward a domain like
this you can ask for URL masking. This means when a user
types www.this.com, even though they go to
www.it.com/sub/ their address bar says www.this.com. As
they navigate around /sub/ the address bar stays at
With publisher 2003, you get forwarded correctly but when
you try and navigate using the navigation bar you get
blank pages (no errors, just blank pages.) Go directly to
www.it.com/sub/ and everything is fine.
Anyone seen this issue?


Interestingly, I have the left hand navigation bar and
the bottom one. The left hand one doesn't work. The
bottom one does. They both point to the same default
path. Odd behaviour. You're probably right though, my
british friend. An absolute path to wankers it is! Thanks
for swift reply.

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