URL not complete in email notifications sent by server



Why is it that when receiving email notifications (in Outlook) from MS
Project Server, that I do not see the complete URL? See example below (i.e.,
URL reference missing "http://msproject/projectserver"):

To view and respond to the changes, please connect to your Project Web
Access timesheet at

To turn off these notifications, please connect to
/notifications/self_notifications.asp and clear the check box for task

Any Help would be greatly appreciated,

Dale Howard [MVP]

SpiroT --

No. It's not weird. It's the way Project Server works. The Server
intranet address sets the URL used with e-mail notifications and alerts. If
you don't fill it in, this causes the problems your people experienced! :)
Glad you figured it out.

Nico Oosthuysen


apologies for jumping in...

Another place this url (Admin --> Server configuration --> Project server
intranet url) is used is with the link between a sharepoint site and its
corresponding project in project server - specifically with linking issues
to projects\tasks etc. If this url is not right, and you create a new issue
you will get an error that says it cannot create teh link...

just a little tid-bit of info, use it, don't use it...
Nico Oosthuysen

Dale Howard [MVP]

Nico --

Yes, I saw this error at a client site and fixed the problem by correcting
the Project Server URL. Thanks for the clarification.

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