URLs are not formatted as hyperlinks



I am doing word automation with VB6 and populating a url at a bookmark using gotoboomark and insertafterbookmark functions. This url doesn't show up as a web link when I open the document.

Jonathan West

NILESH said:
I am doing word automation with VB6 and populating a url at a bookmark
using gotoboomark and insertafterbookmark functions. This url doesn't show
up as a web link when I open the document.

Having entered the text, you need to use the Hyperlinks.Add method to create
a hyperlink at that point.


Thanks Jonathan. It worked.

Jonathan West said:
using gotoboomark and insertafterbookmark functions. This url doesn't show
up as a web link when I open the document.

Having entered the text, you need to use the Hyperlinks.Add method to create
a hyperlink at that point.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
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