I thought I had posted this message, but can't find it
here, so reposting. I can have a label click to an
intra/internet site, via caption and below coding .... but
is there a way to link a URL to a label of a different
caption? (Tried to use the WEB page control under the
Item.Contact, but was not successful.)
Sub lblForm_Click()
Set objWeb = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objWeb.Navigate Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages _
("Equipment, Supplies").Controls("lblForm").Caption
objWeb.Visible = True
End Sub
Thanks. Wanda
here, so reposting. I can have a label click to an
intra/internet site, via caption and below coding .... but
is there a way to link a URL to a label of a different
caption? (Tried to use the WEB page control under the
Item.Contact, but was not successful.)
Sub lblForm_Click()
Set objWeb = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objWeb.Navigate Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages _
("Equipment, Supplies").Controls("lblForm").Caption
objWeb.Visible = True
End Sub
Thanks. Wanda