Hi Elliott:
Don't tell ME about double bite in Sydney: I live opposite Westfield's HQ --
they REALLY know how to put the bite on...
The REAL answer to this represents a change of design thinking at Microsoft.
In Office 12, they're talking a LOT about how their research has at last
revealed that users feel Microsoft software is out of control when they use
This state of affairs resulted from a very noble goal: to make software
"easy to use". They added all sorts of code to do things automatically.
But then they went the next step and took the controls away. So now, the
software IS out of the user's control.
The "Language" mechanism is a case in point. It's a property inherited from
multiple layers within the application. But it's really difficult to
discover this from the Help, and very difficult to discover what the
language is set to "here" in the text, and utterly impossible to discover
what the language "will be" if you paste.
The original idea was to allow text in British English to appear in American
documents without spelling errors being indicated

Somehow the message
did not get through that in 99.9 per cent of cases, the user would want the

If I am pasting text into my document, I NEED the American
spellings to be flagged as errors, because my customer wants Australian
spelling throughout.
So now we need some changes in the design:
We need to be able to set a default language for the entire application, for
all documents. Then an "Advanced" tab that enables us to specify whether to
allow multiple languages in a document (Default = False) and another that
enables the user to determine what happens when they open a document
containing languages other than their specified default: Allow, Reveal,
Reset. If they chose "Allow", Word would leave language settings alone in
an existing document when opened. If they hey chose "Reveal" Word would
apply coloured shading to text set to languages other than the default, and
if they chose "Reset" Word would remove all language specifications other
than the user's specified Default.
Maybe we'll get it...
John McGhie [MVP - Word said:
Sorry Elliott:
By "Hmmmm..." I meant "enquiring minds wish to know: why is it so??"
I would have thought that Language Far East ( langfe1033) should have been
"null" throughout. No Far East languages have ever been used in that test
OK, "Down under" languages have, but that's NOT the same thing. We don't
use double-byte. Except in Toorak, where prices can be triple... Stop me
It "should" be up the top, first couple of lines:
Where "1033" is US English... English UK is 2057 and English AUS is 3081.
OK, there was no deflang at all in the test rtf I made from TextEdit.
You won't believe this, but when I read your first reply, I was already
thinking Postcodes. 3081 seems to be Heidelberg Heights.
Heidelberg Heights? Sheesh! Heights??? The place has gone to the dogs
since I left. I once lived in *Lower* Heidelberg Rd. They can call it
Heights all they like. In the old days, it would have been East Preston
or West Rosanna. It still ain't Trak.
Back on topic, it rather looks like TextEdit's RTF is not Microsoft's,
which is not right, since RTF *is* Microsoft's. Yet Word is not making
the best guess when it pastes or opens something without a deflang.
Sydney has Double Bite. It doesn't need Unicode, the Cosmo is still
Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie <
[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410