Usage Report issues



I host a website from a server I own. The server OS is Server 2003.
FrontPage extensions are loaded and running. I've configured the server to
log activity weekly and for the past two weeks, the server has been kicking
out log files every Saturday night.

When I go View|Reports|Usage|Weekly in FrontPage - I get a white screen with
"There is no usage data available for this web site, because it has not been
published to a server that supports usage analysis."

As best I can tell from the numerous tech notes, my server is properly
setup. On the client side I'm told to go to Tools|Server to configure the
FrontPage client but that selection is "grayed out" and unavailable.

I checked Tools|Page Options on the Authoring tab and "Complete" is selected
under "FrontPage and SharePoint Technologies:"

How can I get usage reporting to work???


Jim Buyens

Please refer to:

Usage Reports Are Empty

If Tools|Server is dimmed, you haven't opened the site using an http:// URL.
Do so, making sure you specify the "live" site and not an off-line copy.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Inside Out
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)


Thanks Jim, the tip on opening the remote web site got the menu options
"un-dimmed" and the usage report stuff went a step further than it did before
but the report is still blank. I haven't had a chance to work through the
list of stuff on the web link you provided... got to head for bed. I'll try
that out on Thursday.

Thanks again.

Jim Buyens

There's a periodic process called Usage Analysis that needs to run before you
get any statistics. Usage Analysis basically summarizes Web server logs into
smaller files that feed the actual reports.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Inside Out
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

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