use address function to indicate range in calculation



I want to use the address function to indicate the range in the
calculation of a slope:

cell A2 contains the value 20

=ADDRESS(A2,2) returns $B$20
=ADDRESS(A2,3) returns $C$20

Cell B20 and C20 are the starting cells for calculating the slope:

But putting the address function in the slope calculation, like
=slope(ADDRESS(A2,2):B25,ADDRESS(A2,3):C25) does not work!

Why can't I combine these functions?
Is there another (simple) way?

Mayo :(


Thanx to my boyfriend I found the solution myself :rolleyes:

The indirect function should be used, it converts text to a cell or
range reference

My example would become:
=slope(indirect("B" & A2 & ":B25"),indirect("C" & A2 & ":C25"))
Aug 3, 2012
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Slope (indirect ("b"&a2&":b25"),indirect("c"&a2&":c 25"))

SLOPE (INDIRECT ("B"&A2&":B25"),INDIRECT("C"&A2&":C 25"))

Can I use above in following way, if B5= B and C5=C

SLOPE (INDIRECT ("(“&B5&")”&A2&":B25"), INDIRECT ("(“&C5&")”&"&A2&": C 25"))
In my case, column is required to referred to any cell to get desired output
Please help.

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