Use Array to activate workbooks



The following code works fine, in a situation where the workbooks
are originally opened, worked on, and then closed. FilesArray
holds the names of the previously opened workbooks, and can be
used again to open the books:

If FileCounter > 0 Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For LoopCounter = 1 To FileCounter
Workbooks.Open vFilename & FilesArray(LoopCounter), False

In a slightly different situation, the books are still open. Can I modify
code and use FilesArray to activate them in turn?

What I'd like to say, is:
Workbooks.Activate vFilename & FilesArray(LoopCounter), False
but that is not supported (Excel2000).


Tom Ogilvy

if filesarray contains just the name of the workbook and not the path
ex: myworkbook.xls vice c:\myfiles\myworkbook.xls

then you can


Do you know they are all open or do you need to text and either if open,
then activate or if not open open and activate?

Bernie Deitrick


For XL2000 onward, where InStrRev exists:

Dim myName As String

For LoopCounter = LBound(FilesArray) to UBound(FilesArray)

myName = FilesArray(LoopCounter)
Workbooks(Mid(myName, InStrRev(myName, "\") + 1)).Activate
'Do other stuff here

Next LoopCounter

MS Excel MVP


Many thanks to you both. Will look at your solutions.

Yes, FilesArray holds only the book names, not the path.

I will need to post back here, I fear.

Regards and thanks, both.

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