use content of a cell as an input for a google query and return the URL of the 1st re



use content of a cell as an input for a google query and return the UR
of the 1st result:
I am looking for an automated solution that will use the content of
spreadsheet cell (A1), will run a query (via google) and will return th
url of the website of the first result (of the google search). Mor
specifically: in a cell in spreadsheet, I have the word "Nike". Expecte
scenario: I run the tool and in the neighboring cell, the tool return
"" and so on for a few thousands of cells, always the mos
likely website (= the first website in Google search). Thanks for ideas
I can imagine this can be done with a macro: open IE, copy content o
A1, run the query and somehow return the url of the first result int
neighboring cell (B1). Thanks a lot for help. I tried to look for it i
this forum before posting my question but havent seen it so if it ha
been answered before, just post the link, thanks!


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